
Daily Logs 9-26-14

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Literature Text

I. Augie and Joseph talk about the state of the ship
II. Gossip girls: Zef invites Loise over for a slumber party
III. Garv reminds Vekal who's boss
IV. And Roca and Vekal have a weird conversation

Augie: *Actually managed to get a little bored somehow, with nothing strange happening, and decides to go to the gym because haven't been there in a while* *Walks in wearing the undershirt and pants she usually wears to work out and do stuff woo*
Joseph: *finishing up his jogging and doing a couple of cooldown laps*
Augie: *Sees Unfamiliar Person which isn't really that uncommon now it seems and gives a friendly wave*
Joseph: *sees the wave and returns it* *comes over* Hullo
Augie: *Nods and smiles in greeting* You run in here often? Sorry if I'm intruding or anything, I haven't met all the newer people yet.
Joseph: *headshake* You're not intruding. And yeah, I try to come in here once or twice a week.
Augie: *Nods* A good schedule. *Holds out a hand to shake* Augustine Taylor, Lt. Commander. *gives a hopefully easygoing smile* Now I know you're not in Security, and with the colors i'm going to guess medical?
Joseph: *takes hand for shake* *Eeep, crap, high rank o_o* Y-yeah. Joseph Dover, Ensign. I was assigned to the Legacy about...two months ago, now.
Augie: *Was worried about that reaction, hence the attempt at easygoing-ness* Ahhh, makes sense. Maybe I'll see you around a bit more often then. Technically i'm in Security, but as a combat medic, so I hang around there occasionally and the holodeck to keep on form. *And then works out in the gym or goes for runs in the arboretum during what other time she has*
Joseph: Ah. Looks like we'll be semi-coworkers, then? *nervous chuckle*
Augie: *Chuckles as well and shrugs, so far mission Keep New Person Calm isn't going well but will keep trying* Maybe, yeah. Though hopefully we won't have to work too much, hmm? *Because that means stuff is wrong with people and that's never good*
Joseph: Yeah, hopefully. Crossing fingers. But I'm guessing that people usually end up in Sickbay a lot anyway, regardless. *just from the stories and the "fun" he's seen in previous logs*
Augie: *Somewhat somberly nods* Yeah, which is why it's important to keep up to date and keep an eye on things. *Chuckles* And even without the madness, Sickbay gets to deal with all the colds, bumps, and bruises too.
Joseph: And hypochondriacs, if there are any. *small smile*
Augie: *Laughs* Oh, I don't know if a hypochondriac would survive very long on board, with everything else going on. *Pauses* Or maybe we all are because we're all looking for something to be wrong. A mix of that and paranoia maybe? Either way, fun.
Joseph: *shudder supressed* Yeah...I'm surprised things have been relatively tame on here for the last month. I was expecting...chaos.
Augie: *Shakes head* Ohhh, don't say that. Whether you believe in jinxes or not, if you're thinking that, i'm pretty sure that means it's time for things to get crazier.
Joseph: *makes an "oh joy" face* Greaaat....
Augie: *Can't help but chuckle and gives a brief apologetic face* Don't worry. If there's one thing I know, it's that we pull through. We may get some of the craziest missions, but that also means we pull together the tightest, and I think in the long run that's probably the more important detail to keep in mind.
Joseph: Yeah. *small nod* I guess I saw some of that on the Lina, when I was over there.
Augie: *Smiles* That's definitely a good thing. *shakes her head* And man, that ship was odd. Not just because of the odd doubles running around. *Actually found that part pretty funny*
Joseph: Odd doubles? From, awkward universe you mean? *has heard about that*
Augie: *right, not everyone was there* *Chuckles* Is that what everyone's calling it? I didn't run into anything too awkward luckily, just amusing.
Joseph: Well, that's good. I wouldn't say /everyone's/ calling it the awkward universe, but it probably resulted in a lot of weird moments.
Augie: *Compared to other things they could have run into, hardly thinks it's he kind of weirdness that needs to be worried about, but doesn't want to worry him* At least weird moments make the best stories later on, right? *smiles and shrugs*
Joseph: *chuckles* Yeah, I guess. *doesn't have many great stories from the time travel, though. Unless you count him waking up and meeting a biobed with his head*
Augie: *Wasn't there for that, and most of her other stories would be not happy though there's some somewhere* Maybe once our missions become less classified, we can share stories of the more fun times. Make a book or something.
Joseph: *smiles* Maybe. People reading it wouldn't believe a word, though.
Augie: *amused* They can be something like fairy tales then. Fantasy for all those who like to read about the strange and magical. *slight emphasis on 'magical'*
Joseph: Don't forget bizarre.
Augie: That can fall under strange. Though the stronger word might be a better choice for it, you're right.
Joseph: *sheepish smile* Soo...forgive me if I shouldn't be asking this, but any idea what our next mission is, once the Lina leaves? Or hasn't Starfleet decided yet? *hopes it's something fairly normal, normal is good*
Augie: *Smiles* I have no problem with you asking that, but i'm afraid I don't really know either. Starfleet generally loves to leave us hanging till the last moment and then throwing something at us, and when they're not doing that, life takes up the slack and throws something our way instead.
Joseph: *makes the "urgghh..." face* Oh what fun.... *deadpan*
Augie: *Chuckles at the face* So much fun, I don't know how we contain it. *nods* Tell you what though, as soon as I hear something, I'll let you know. *The 'that i'm allowed to tell' goes without saying, but she's a firm believer in telling people what they need to prepare*
Joseph: *nods, knowing about the "that I'm allowed to tell" rule* Right, thanks. The time travel thing was kind of...*shrugs* a Murphy's Law, moment.
Augie: *makes a face somewhere between a frown and a sympathetic one* I heard some about that, yeah. There's... a few moments like that, I guess. And I have no doubt there will be more. That's kind of what the law says will happen, after all.
Joseph: Yeah...*siiigh* But...I'm not planning a transfer anytime soon, so there's that at least.
Augie: *Wouldn't blame him if he did* *smiles* That's the weird thing about this ship. Despite all the weird and bad things, people stick around and keep trying to make a difference. *chuckles* I'm not sure if it's because we're all stubborn or we're all not smart.
Joseph: Maybe we all need our heads examined because of brain damage? *Holycrap why am I including myself in that??*
Augie: *Amused* I don't know if a scanner has been invented yet that can detect the kind of brain damage we have if one exists. As far as I know though, we all check out fine. Unless something happened when I wasn't aware. *Jinx? What jinx?*
Joseph: *smiles at the--maybe?--humor* Well, I don't know if there is one either. But there's tests for that sort of thing, I guess.
Augie: *definitely humor, or trying for it at least* Hmm, maybe we should go to the counselors then. I don't want to be the one to suggest to the Captain that we need to have a ship wide psych evaluation though. *makes a 'no way am I touching that plan with a ten foot pole' face. yes that is a face*
Joseph: *laughs a little* Yeah, me neither. *has met the Captain, yes* I like having all my limbs.
Augie: *glad that joke went better than feared* *laughs as well* Yeah same. And i'm pretty sure there are certain regulations for making sure we all still test out okay when stuff like this happens, so we're probably all still fine on that front too. Unless we need new tests for those as well as the brain damage scanners.
Joseph: *makes a sour face, then goes back to smile* thanks. There's only so much I can take. *And I'm a doctor no less!*
Augie: *nods* Yeahhh, I agree. *Is as well, sort of*
Joseph: *small nodnod* Any chances it'll be this peaceful for long, then? *likes the peace, yes, very much*
Augie: *hmms and thinks about that for a moment* Well... part of that depends on your definition of peaceful. We might have a few assignments come down that end up being pretty easy but still odd, and I guess that could still fall under that, but we could just as easily not. *shrugs* If i'm speaking completely from opinion, I'd say with the Lina leaving, it probably means the Legacy is going to get the full brunt of the weird, for better or worse. *looks apologetic that that's not the happiest of answers*
Joseph: *sigh again* I guess in this case "peaceful" translates to "not-life-threatening or overly mind-bending".
Augie: Well, you have a higher chance of that as opposed to nothing strange at all happening at least. And sometimes, the things that seem like they're really mind-bending end up being some of the coolest later on, so I guess keeping an open mind helps too. *Though not with the actually bad things. Those are just bad*
Joseph: Right, I'll keep that in mind. *pun not intended* Heh, maybe a good thing my parents were cops, huh?
Augie: *chuckles then looks curious* Oh? I'll bet that gives you all sorts of insights on stuff like this, at least on how we people react to situations like that?
Joseph: Ehh, a bit, I guess. *awkward shrug* Apparently, cops deal with weird stuff sometimes.
Augie: *nods* I hear medical personal and security types, be it private, people like cops, or everyone protecting in starfleet, have the highest chances to deal with the weird things. *grins* So for those of us who had parents in one of those fields, and then went on to be in starfleet as /well/ as be in medical or security or something, we get the /really/ weird stuff, eh?
Joseph: *laughs* Yeah. There was one story my Mum told me when I was a was about a man trying to rob a store and parking where he shouldn't have.... Though I think that falls under "dumb criminal" moments rather than "weird is happening" moments.
Augie: *Chuckles* Really? I've heard about stories like that, but i'm never sure if anyone can actually be that... well, dumb. I mean, committing the crime in the first place is already kind of dumb to begin with usually, but then to compound it like that just makes one wonder if people can really manage to be that bad.
Joseph: Yeah... *slight grin* What's even brighter is that he was wanted for breaking & entering...a place just down the street. Not a smart criminal.
Augie: *can't help but grin too* That reminds me of a story I heard once, about a robber who stole milk from a store, among a few other things, and the cops found him not far away because of the milk mustache. *gestures to her own face for emphasis* Though I was never sure if that story was real or someone just pulling my leg...
Joseph: *snickersnort*'s amazing just how dumb criminals can be. They can even out-dumb teenagers, sometimes. *wasn't a teenager that long ago, so yeah XD*
Augie: Maybe that's the secret? Criminals never get out of their teenage phase of testing and doing things on a whim and all that. So that's the reason they do the crime in the first place and also why some of them don't have /any/ plan whatsoever. *Is trying to keep a straight face like 'we just cracked the system!' but is having trouble not laughing more*
Joseph: *also trying not to laugh* Yeah, maybe. It could also be that they got hit on the head when they were young and never developed the "this is a bad idea, don't do that" circuitry. But I'm not a neurologist, so don't take my word for it.
Augie: All of them though? That's a lot of kids to have fallen and bumped their head... though I suppose weirder things /have/ happened...
Joseph: *shrugs* True. And most of those weirder things seem to happen here. *means the ship*
Augie: *quiet for a moment* I wonder if that means other places get less weirdness? I wouldn't have as much problem with our crazy lives if it meant other people got to have it a bit calmer.
Joseph: Eh. If we run across people from other ships, we can ask them. You know, to make sure that there isn't complete meaninglessness to our level of strange.
Augie: And maybe some people back on different planets and Earth. Would be nice to know there's a reason for all this besides someone laughing at our misfortune. *Looking at you, Q*
Joseph: Heh, yeah. Knowing the universe, though, probably not.
Augie: *Chuckles and shrugs* Maybe, maybe not. I'll just hope there is and hang on to that. At the very least, I know that I can have some purpose being here if only to help everyone else on the ship, right? So there's some meaning I suppose. *strange balancing of faith and practicality*
Joseph: Ehh...*not much into the whole faith thing, but okay* *awkward moment time*
Augie: *Laughs* Hey, i'm just talking about having that personal thing you strive for, you know? It's probably different for everyone, those values that motivate you. Like... *pauses to think* For me, I try to be everywhere I can, to help and keep people safe. That's what I hold onto when stuff gets bad. *Either in combination to, or even more than any sort of actual religion faith* And everyone has their own values or goals or whatever that they hold onto, and knowing what that is, is what makes a person strong. *shrugs off the seriousness* At least, that's what I think.
Joseph: *awkward shrug* Yeah...I guess...*sigh* I'm still sorting out my goals and whatnot. I got time, though. I'm not even near thirty.
Augie: *smiles, attempts to steer conversation away from awkward topic is a go* Don't worry, I think most people take a very long time to fully sort out their goals and values and such, if they even manage it. I know I haven't, not completely.
Joseph: *blinkblink* But you're....a Lieutenant Commander.... *o__o*
Augie: *Chuckles and smiles* Yeah, but I doubt even the Captain has /all/ his goals set in stone, and a person might always find more down the road that makes them have to change other goals and values around. All a rank says is that you're good at your job and trusted with it and more responsibilities. Doesn't necessarily mean you know where you're going to go next. *Looks around dramatically and lowers her voice* Just don't tell anyone I said that.
Joseph: *chuckles* No intention, Ma'am. *returns the smile* *checks watch* And...I hate to be rude....but I probably should be going....
Augie: *Blinks and glances at the time as well* Ah, no, you're not rude at all. *shakes her head with another chuckle* It was good meeting you, here's to hoping things keep going well, hm?
Joseph: *small nod* Yeah, hopefully. See you...around?
Augie: *Nods as well and smiles* Yeah, definitely. *little two finger salute wave thing*
Joseph: *smiles, returning the two-finger salute whatzit, and exits the gym*
Augie: *Starts her own running since that's what she came in for in the first place*

Zef: *sent Loise a message asking her if she wants to come over to his quarters today in the evening, have dinner, spend time, sleepover?, because the Lina is going to leave tomorrow and she'll head back to Earth for <s>horrible</s> exams and stuff and, yeah* *in his quarters, wearing comfortable civvies, no shoes, lying prone, mulling things over*
Loise: *finishes packing her things, takes a breather to take the view of her ready-for-departure quarters in, arms akimbo, with a crooked grin on her lips* *stands there for a short moment, then picks up her washbag and leaves for a sleepover in her brother’s quarters on Legacy* *beams over and chimes soon thereafter*
Zef: *Loise? Probably.* *sits up (is on the couch, by the way)* Come in. *and gets up*
Loise: *enters* Hi Zef. Let me just put that bag away *shows* then I’m all yours. *vanishes in the bathroom – it’s her /brother’s/ quarters, after all*
Zef: Hi Loise, erm, sure go-- *grins slightly amused when she just heads for the bathroom* ahead. Yeah. *walks a few steps in her direction, stops*
Loise: What’s up?
Zef: Nothing tried to harm me, I didn't hurt myself at work, so I guess I'm okay. *nodnod* And you?
Loise: I’m done packing and started studying a few days ago. Guess I’m well, too, and ready for the exams! …Ish. *grins*
Zef: *a few days ago, she /started/ /a few days ago/ and she's so gonna graduate and outrank me o____o;* Yeah, you're gonna make it. *starts walking towards the replicator* Looks like I'll be lowest ranking Sanders pretty soon. *sounds friendly and is, but it's still bitter and he doesn't make any effort to hide it, let's try that thing when you're honest for once...*
Loise: *yes, a few days ago, so maybe a months xP, she started opening her PADDs whenever there was time, because the last five weeks definitely allowed it, but at the beginning of this week she started actual cramming for the exam by repeating all the stuff she needs to know* You don’t know that /yet/. I mean, yeah, I’m kinda really looking forward to graduating and yeah, I told our sis that soon I might outrank /her/, but really. Nothing’s sure yet. *flops down on the couch*
Zef: Weeell, I'd be flattered if you wanted to do something /my/ way, but not that, not graduating I mean. *since he failed the final exams and needed a second try and unfortunately his family knows, he couldn't hide it* … you could, theoretically, graduate as full Lieutenant, right? *stands at the replicator, keys in the code for orange juice*
Loise: /Theoretically/, yes. But I could just as theoretically graduate as Ensign. *or not at all, but she’s really not expecting /that/, but also doesn’t need to brag in front of her brother*
Zef: I don't think that's gonna happen. *puts his juice aside* Want anything? */actually/ in a surprisingly good mood, but somewhat nervous underneath*
Loise: *just shrugs about the whole graduation thing, not really eager to talk about it, she has to /do/ it soon enough and will see* Something with apples. Apple cider?
Zef: Sure. *keys in the code* Annnnd erm... *now come one, say it, shouldn't be so difficult* *oh look apple cider, takes both glasses and heads for the couch* Well. So after that, I mean, I kinda never asked if you want to come back... here, to the Legacy, erm, but I guess I meant to say I think I wouldn't mind. I guess you were right. I /thought/ it would be bad but... it /wasn't/, really. *stops, looks at her insecurely*
Loise: Hm. Thanks. ^^ *takes the glass* Well, actually… also because you didn’t seem to like it, but /not only/… I wasn’t really planning on returning here. Would you want me to?
Zef: Erm. *sits down* Yes and... no. But not 'no' because I don't want you around. *looks at his glass, hesitant* That's not it... anymore.
Loise: What’s it, then? The danger?
Zef: *shrugs, nods* Yeah, kinda. Not that you being elsewhere means you're necessarily safe, I know. And it's still your decision. I almost /couldn't/ return here, so... I wouldn't argue against it.
Loise: Well, it’s… the danger /is/ a factor, I mean, who’s going to risk one’s life who doesn’t have to? But I’m also in Starfleet and I’m not afraid of serving on a starship. On /any/ starship. I just don’t feel like I’ve made many friends here. No enemies, either, but I expected being in a holding cell together for more than a week would do more…
Zef: Oh. Well... *nods slowly, thoughtfully* Mhhh, I guess it takes a while, but... the same thing bothered me for a damn while, too. Y'know for them it wasn't the first time, for us, well. That doesn't make it any better, but I think that's why. *guilty undertone* Maybe... I'm even beginning to become like that, too. *eyes her*
Loise: *holds eye contact* I didn’t think so. But you were /dying/, Zef. Even when you comforted me, there was always this thought at the back of my mind that I couldn’t count on it forever.
Zef: *eye contact, whhhyyyyy* Because I was dying? So I wasn't... bothering you?
Loise: Bothering me? Why?
Zef: *shrugs* Well, I guess I decided to fight them this time, but I couldn't because they poisoned me and I couldn't even be there for anyone, I mean, not like I wanted to. *not without looking like dying and making His People worry about him, life isn't fair*
Loise: There’s only so much you can do when you’re fatally poisoned. *deadpan*
Zef: Yeah, it crossed my plans. *pause* Anyway, it took me a while to believe that I belong here and to find people who make me /want/ to stay. So... yeah, I know that.
Loise: So… you think I could do that, too?
Zef: Yeah, I think so. *nodnod* But I'm not trying to talk you into it, okay? *slight brief insecure smile* I'm just saying it took me a while and for first few weeks? Months? I don't know, I was often like 'but I'd need friends /now/'.
Loise: *light smile* Well. I had friends. The other cadets and you… Maybe they thought I didn’t need anyone else. I’m weird, anyway. The people who asked me I didn’t want to ask me because of the way /how/ they asked, and the people I wanted to ask never asked, which is so frustrating. *deep sigh, grins* *drinks cinder*
Zef: *snorts a quiet laugh* Oh. Yeaahh, I know /that/, too. *low cough* Though... am I one of the people who didn't ask? *because I wasn't exactly the best brother, you know, I'm unstable and all o_o;*
Loise: *snickers* I didn’t give you time not to ask. Not this time.
Zef: *slight grin* Kinda. But... it's good that you didn't. *apologetic* I should have asked you more often to spend time with me, I guess, but I started hiding in here and I had a lot to sort out and, yeah, but still. I should have. *honestly*
Loise: Weeell *crooked grin*… Then you, too, if I’d have let you. Everything sorted out, though? I… yeah, I actually think I’m beginning to understand you a little better. *nods* When you’re having your phases. *says it crudely, but thinks it’s still better than reminding him too detailed of what she means*
Zef: *raises a brow, but seems pleased* My phases, mh? *slight brief smile* Mhmm. Whatever twists reality throws me off course and while I try to get back, new things happen. /But/... I did talk to you more than with most others on both ships, actually. *sips some juice* Well. Are you okay? Can I ask?
Loise: Yeah, you’re on the list of people I want to ask, actually. *grins* Y’know, I wanted that all along. But you had better things to do. With your friends, with Starfleet, with your friends /in/ Starfleet…
Zef: *breathes deeply* I wouldn't say it was better, but... *shrugs* /very/ time-consuming... *sideglances* Starfleet, at least. My friends not so much, mostly because I didn't have much time for them because of what Starfleet demanded from me.
Loise: *gives a laugh* I mean in High School, Zef!
Zef: *blinkblink* Erm. /Oh./ That. Well. That was. *sips juice, unexpected topic: he had a life before Starfleet, right, it's a thing... o_O* That was... *hesitates, but all right* that was because I didn't want to be at home at all. Too much pressure.
Loise: And… I was „home“ for you, wasn’t I? You didn’t want to take me anywhere else with you, either. *sips cider*
Zef: You mean like... when I stayed at my friends' house for the whole weekend?
Loise: Yeah. *nods* Or when you never wanted to take me anywhere anymore, really. There were only your friends, your school, your cool life. High School, that was when it started, really.
Zef: Okay... *puts the glass on the table and leans back with a deep sigh* Here's the truth. That was about when I realized that things don't come to me as easily, but everyone thought they do and I couldn't risk to destroy that image, so... I stayed with my friends to study. So there. It was cool. *slightly frustrated undertone*
Loise: *puts the glass down, too* You… what? *facial expression somewhere between „are you kidding me“, laughing and wtf*
Zef: *looks at her* I stayed with my friends to study. All weekend. *yes, I suck*
Loise: Why? I-I mean… why did you never say? Or why would you even /do/ that?
Zef: Well, everything seemed so easy to all of you. Do you think I want to be the only loser? *quick firm headshake* No. And hey, it worked out. I'm even in Starfleet.
Loise: *shrugs* Maybe you don’t like to learn? Or do practical things better. You said you wanted to be Engineer over command officer.
Zef: Yeah... yeah, that too. *sighs, nods* I do practical things better, but I quit Command because... I fail, you know? I wouldn't be an Officer if I had tried to graduate in Command. I mean, Engineering didn't go well either, but at least well enough to /be here/ now. But saying so would have been like admitting that I'm a loser. It is, actually.
Loise: *shrugs* I always thought it was what you want to do. *why would you go to Starfleet if it wasn’t?* But if you actually want to be a command officer I guess you can still change the department back. Should be easier now that you are in Starfleet either way.
Zef: *headshake* But I shouldn't do that... unless I really want to get people killed on my account. And I like Engineering. Just... *shrugs* it was damn hard to get here.
Loise: As long as it’s worth it… I guess? *a little nonplussed by these revelations, but actually more by how important it seems to be not to be known as a “loser”, because she already knew he failed many tests and the finals at the Academy* *just only blamed it on dedication that he pushed through*
Zef: Yeah, it is. *nodnod* I mean, I might snap again, but I'd miss some people, definitely.
Loise: Don’t snap. *lax smile*
Zef: *slight smile* I'm doing all I can. *more serious* But... mh, it might happen again. I won't lie about that... *pause, mumbles* Sorry.
Loise: *shrugs, still smiling laxly* I’ll change, too.
Zef: *nodnod* Yeah, I guess. Erm. Well, did you? *change already, he means*
Loise: I’m not sure. Maybe a bit? *looks at him for his opinion*
Zef: *hesitates, thoughtfully* Mmm...aybe? I mean, I don't know how you're doing when you're alone. Like... you know, better not act weird in public and that.
Loise: I’m not in public when I’m with my brother, or am I? Do I need to be afraid you’ll slit on me to my superiors? *jokingly, but somehow also curious*
Zef: *blinks, grins briefly, then coughs and sobers* They are watching us in this very moment.
Loise: Really? You meany! I’ll tell mom and dad! *gives him a soft punch against the upper arm*
Zef: *makes a face as if the punching hurt* Okay. That was clearly an attack against an Officer. You're doomed, Security will be here in a minute.
Loise: In a /minute/? You’re doing a slackish job, security!
Zef: *amused* Imagine what it's like when there are actual dangers aboard. Other than violent sisters, I mean. I think I can deal with you for a minute. *grins*
Loise: Pfft! No wonder you’re at the brink of snapping. Your security department is to blame!
Zef: But Medical is good. *nodnod* *he says, let's not talk about Evil Hypos and all the seriously creepy stuff* I mean, I'm still alive. So that evens out. Kinda. More or less. *shrugs*
Loise: Alive. But still at the brink of snapping. *singsang, twirls her hair*
Zef: And still sane enough. *brief grin* They let me work, ain't I lucky.
Loise: Pfft, that’s because they all know how it is! *flops down further so she lies on the couch with her hand stretched out and her hair falling through her fingers as she goes down*
Zef: Most of them do, some more some less. Or well, no, no. We're all okay here. *nodnodnod* One or two breakdowns a week are quite normal. You're gonna miss that. *well...*
Loise: Yeah, not really.
Zef: Well, it's not like that, actually... Not that bad. I guess we aren't the only ones who struggle with what we go through. *did you know that mom and dad have both talked with counselors already o_O;*
Loise: Probably not. The Lina had it, too, at least. *ok, you guys were on board, but details*
Zef: Partly because of us. *yeah, no objection* Mhh. But I thought being back on the Legacy would be more weird. I kinda liked being a Lieutenant. *and it was distressing oh my gawd work was hell* *hint of a grin* I should keep it. Starfleet would totally agree. *nodnod*
Loise: Lieutenant? Hm. I’d take that one, too. *grins back*
Zef: Well. *slight grin* You could get it. *a bit dramatic* And then I'll have to live with having a sister who outranks me. And friends who outrank me.
Loise: *snorts* Doesn’t bother you with your boyfriend.
Zef: Actually it-- *frowns* Hey. Why do you keep calling him my boyfriend? *is there something that I missed? No way it's too obvious, it /is not/ even*
Loise: Because… *shrugs* he is. A, you never /objected/ to it. B, all the time I ask the computer where you are, it’s either on duty or in his quarters. Like, every minute of every single day! *not exactly, but it certainly feels like it*
Zef: *so I should object now, right?* Pff, that's not true. Sometimes we're in my quarters. *well, that was no objection* Buuuut that doesn't make him my boyfriend. I just never objected it because, I don't know, I... had reasons, pretty sure. *does that count?*
Loise: Ah, yes. I had that, too. Found you in your quarters and checked where /he/ is, just for fun. *big grin* I even did before I came here today. Just to make sure not to surprise you while anything inappropriate. *singsongs again, clearly not serious*
Zef: *slight grin* All the effort in vain, we don't do that. *tries to act like there's no /but/, but there is; well look orange juice, grabs the glass and sips some*
Loise: *eh?* Well, whatever. Where am I gonna sleep tonight?
Zef: Erm. *oh, good; puts the glass back on the table (wouldn't have lied to her but wasn't sure about telling, so change of topic is all right)* On the couch, I thought, but if you want my bed...? *looks at her*
Loise: Nah, I think the couch is comfy. *rolls from one side to the other and back to indicate it*
Zef: Sure, okay. *and then they talked some more until they went to sleep*

Vekal: *has arranged to meet with Garv at a specific time this evening and chimes at his office at the appointed hour -- not a second early or late, of course*
Garv: *Didn't agree to anything, she just sent him a note* *Looks up from stuff. Interesting stuff* What?!
Vekal: *enters* I hope I'm not interrupting, Commander.
Garv: *Snaps*Only if the day ends in a Y. You wanted something?
Vekal: Yes, actually. *leans against the chair in front of his desk* First of all, I wanted to thank you for coming to greet our new lieutenant.
Garv: *Makes a kind of "mmm" nosie, only more non-committed and uninterested*
Vekal: I also wanted to discuss our general policy for integrating new scientists. I thought Sunday went well.
Garv: *Equally uninterested* You did? *It was a party. It went as well as all other parties. Garv hates parties*
Vekal: Yes. Is this a bad time to talk, Commander? You could have sent me a message.
Garv: *Flatly* It's always a bad time, Lieutenant Commander. Especially if the day ends in a Y.
Vekal: *narrows her eyes, but continues smiling* Well, that's unfortunate. You'd probably much rather be doing research than be talking to me right now, wouldn't you?
Garv: Wouldn't anyone? *BURRRN!*
Vekal: I don't know about that. It might surprise you to know that I can be quite charming, actually.
Garv: *Isn't surprised* I see. You were saying?
Vekal: I was saying that I could take over the more social duties required of you, like easing newcomers into life aboard the ship. I have more experience on the Legacy than you do, in any case.
Garv: *Actually appears to pay attention, and is slightly peeved* "Social duties"? Last time I read my job description, there was no mention anywhere of any "social duties". I'm a scientist. I run labs, I collect and analyse data, I present my findings. Nowhere in that description is there a clause about "give an arbetrary hello to a random person joining the crew".
Vekal: How do you expect to run the labs effectively if you don't know the people in them, Commander?
Garv: I do /know/ them! I work with them! I scrutinise their work!
Vekal: They aren't students, Commander. There's no curriculum out here. We have to do more than just grade assignments.
Garv: *Smugly* Compared to me, everyone's a student... or a dropout. *Chuckles to himself, that was rather witty* Besides, it's a little bizzare to hear /you/ of all people espousing the joys of social contact. Most of the time you're so overly focused on your work that you're in perpetual risk of damaging your own health and sanity... *Realisation* ...Hmm, maybe it's already too late, and this is the result... Interesting...
Vekal: Very funny, Commander. *smiles*
Garv: *Grins* I am, aren't I? Now, you were saying?
Vekal: I was saying, with all due respect, that you need to spend less energy on proclaiming your superiority and either spend more time welcoming your new subordinates, or give that task over to me.
Garv: Why would they need welcoming by me? If they want something, they can just ask.
Vekal: I won't insult your intelligence by explaining so obvious a point as new officers lacking confidence.
Garv: *Scoffs* If they lack the confidence to ask questions, what are they even doing in Starfleet?
Vekal: *impatient* That's not our concern, is it? Our concern is helping those under us reach their potential.
Garv: Which I do.
Vekal: Really? I hadn't noticed, sir.
Garv: I hadn't noticed you doing anything to encourage your subordinates either, Lietuenant Commander.
Vekal: That only shows how little time you spend outside your office and your experiments. But granted: I could do more. So could you, and you're the one who /should/ be doing this, not me.
Garv: *Unimpressed* Doing what? Faking some desire to befriend every single person who enters my department? Feigning an interest in their personal lives? I said hello to Lieutenant Rein, what more was I supposed to do?
Vekal: Don't /fake/ an interest; /take/ an interest. *slightly hissed, because she /is/ annoyed*
Garv: *Offended* Certainly not! And again, it's highly hypocritical for /you/ of all people to tell anyone they should "take an interest in people"!
Vekal: *scoffs* That's hardly an argument against the point.
Garv: *Huffs* Well, you've hardly presented any conclusive reasoning about why I should be forced to waste my time personally trying to befriend everyone in my department.
Vekal: I suppose duty means nothing to you?
Garv: Again, where is this supposed clause that part of my job is to be best mates with everyone, hmm? I don't think any of the other department heads have to follow this "rule", do they?
Vekal: Your job is to take care of your department and the people in it, Commander. How many times am I going to have to say that before you run out of condescending remarks?
Garv: And as I focus my efforts every day to ensure that this department and the people who make up it work as smoothly and as effectively as possible, I'd say I was doing a pretty good job of it. Certainly as good as the other department heads. And I certainly don't make their lives any harder by forcing myself upon them like some kind of overly-clingy guardian angel. I let them get on with their work, provide insight and guidance whenever they ask for it or whenever I deem it necessary, and allow them to exercise their right to free time when they've finished their shift. I fail to see how this is "not caring", nor how your bizarre out-of-character ideas about pretending to befriend them would make the department better.
Vekal: You really can't make a single statement without throwing in your contempt for something or other, can you?
Garv: *Shrugs* Coming from you, Lieutenant Commander, I shall take that as a compliment.
Vekal: Commander, if you have any interest in seeing these people succeed, you don't show it. And leaving officers alone to do their work is perfectly acceptable, but newcomers need more attention than that to integrate well. By all means, leave them alone after they've integrated, but you should see to it from the start that everyone /is/ comfortable working here and coming to you with problems.
Garv: And are people uncomfortable working in this department, hmm?
Vekal: /You/ once ordered me never to speak to you. That should really answer all your questions.
Garv: *Grins* Well, it answers a question alright, but not the one you're thinking of.
Vekal: I don't think you were very concerned about my comfort then. Has that changed?
Garv: *Seriously* Lieutenant Commander, I have always been extremely concerned about your comfort *Because she works better when pissed off, so he ensures she recieves no comfort*
Vekal: *pauses, then grins* You're just going to lie to my face until I leave, aren't you?
Garv: *Offended* And now you accuse me of lying! Honestly! *Shakes head*
Vekal: *smiles and shrugs* You seem to be doing everything you can to try to get away from the idea of being welcoming to new arrivals.
Garv: And you seem to be not providing any reason why I should. Besides, I attended your pointless party for Lieutenant Rein, and stayed for longer than you did.
Vekal: You should have. You're the head of the department, not me. *choosing not to repeat herself for the Nth time, since he's just ignoring her*
Garv: *Gestures* There. What more do you want me to do?
Vekal: Say more than hello next time, perhaps. You might also try showing some initiative instead of leaving it all to me.
Garv: *Shrugs* She seemed more interested in talking to the other members of the department. I don't see why I should've forced her to speak to me.
Vekal: And Ensign Tyrie? Ensign Marzena? Ensigns Green, MacCaulay, Tot and Santos? How much have you ever said to /them/?
Garv: Quite a bit, actually. True, I try to screen out the more irritating ones, but I've discussed their work with them on many occasions.
Vekal: Commander, /every/ member of the department should be doing that. We all need to keep up to date on others' work.
Garv: So, what am I apparently doing wrong?
Vekal: */very/ frustrated sigh* Commander, as an estimation, how many times am I going to have to tell you?
Garv: Until you convince me that being forced to pretend to befriend my staff will improve the running of this department. Because as far as I can see, all it'll do is irritate me to the point I won't be able to focus on my work, and thus the whole department will suffer.
Vekal: There is another option, of course. I've already volunteered to take that responsibility.
Garv: *Bluntly* No.
Vekal: Then who will do it, Commander?
Garv: You've yet to explain why anyone needs to be forced to befriend everyone else in the department. So, as far as I can see, nobody has to do it.
Vekal: *in a low fury* I have explained more than /five/ /times/, Commander. But as you wish: I'll do it.
Garv: *Plainly* And I'm saying you won't.
Vekal: *smiles* Of course you are. But you're refusing to do it, and isn't your goal to antagonize me so that I spend more time on my work?
Garv: Then why would I encourage you to be forced to pretend to befriend everyone in the department on my behalf? You'd have less time to actually do the job you were put here to do.
Vekal: You're the one putting me in this position, Commander. *smiles* Why don't you tell me?
Garv: The only person putting you in this position is yourself, Lieutenant Commander. I don't see any other officer being forced to pretend to befriend people to ensure their department runs smoothly, so why should I be forced to? Why should you? Why should anyone?
Vekal: I don't understand where this force and pretense comes in, Commander. It seems like pointless rhetoric to me. I've already told you there should /be/ no pretense, and I'm hardly being forced to do anything when I'm volunteering.
Garv: And as head of this department, I am turning down your offer to volunteer for such a pointless task.
Garv: I believe I've made it obvious that I will not.
Vekal: *nods slowly* Then I'll keep working on this. *stands up* Thank you for your time, Commander.
Garv: And as Head of Department, I order you not to. *Slight smirk*
Vekal: Why?
Garv: *Smirk broadens* One of the benefits of running the department, a benefit that you'll sadly never get to enjoy, is that I don't have to explain myself to you, Lieutenant Commander.
Vekal: Don't push me, Commander. It won't end well.
Garv: *Continues to smirk* Just try it, Lieutenant Commander.
Vekal: As you wish, sir. *smiles and heads out*

Roca: *at the O-Deck, sitting, or actually slouching on one of the couches in the dim light, with no program working and nothing going on, looking at the darkness of space*  
Vekal: *after some alone time of meditation, heads down to the O-Deck for... more alone time* *but then she sees a head over one of the couches, and circles around to see who it is*
Roca: *turns her head abruptly when she’s circled around and gazes at Vekal*  
Vekal: *oh boy* |Glinn Roca. Hello.|
Roca: *blinks idly and silences the UT* |What do you want?|
Vekal: |Well, I was here for solitude, but since you're here... May I join you?|
Roca: *snorts quietly* |Can I stop you?| *but doesn’t leave, so that’s probably as much “Yes” as Vekal is going to get*
Vekal: *smiles* |You don't sound enthusiastic. Oh, woe is me! Nobody appreciates me!|
Roca: |You should have considered that before you left Cardassia.|
Vekal: *heads over* |I suppose that wasn't funny, was it?| *meaning her "woe is me" spiel*
Roca: *snorts* |That was a joke? For a moment there you had me rejoicing that Starfleet officers finally came to their senses.|
Vekal: |Sorry to disappoint. If anything, they've slipped further into madness.|
Roca: *tilts her head, eyes on Vekal, expecting her to go on… or what*  
Vekal: |Actually...| *tilts her head, too, considering Roca* |I could use your advice, if you'd consider sharing it.|
Roca: |About what?|
Vekal: |My superiors.| *heads to the window to look out* |Of course we've been taught to obey without questioning orders. Well, I won't pretend that /that's/ ever been easy for me, but on Cardassia I could trust that my superiors knew what they were doing. That trust doesn't exist here.|
Roca: *follows Vekal with her eyes* |Most of your superiors are younger than you are.| *smiles humourlessly* |I can understand that.|
Vekal: |Believe me, aliens don't get any wiser with age.|
Roca: |You are the expert.| *amused, but not disparaging tone of voice*
Vekal: |I don't feel like one.|
Roca: |You clearly know them better than I do. You climbed up /their/ ranks, anyhow.|
Vekal: |My personal history makes it unlikely that I'll be promoted further.| *knows better than to /complain/ about that to Roca, so she's just stating it so this makes sense:* |I'm stuck where I am, and where I am I have to /manipulate/ my superiors just to keep them from fucking things up. And they have the gall to laugh at me while I try to improve things aboard the ship.|
Roca: |Hm. Maybe your superiors don’t /like/ being manipulated.|
Vekal: |No, really? What would make you think so?| *sighs* |I /know/ they don't, Glinn Roca. I don't like doing it, either. I simply don't see an alternative.|
Roca: |Well, you could…| *humourless grin* |/manipulate/ them into believing you’re blunt.|
Vekal: |Like you?| *looks over her shoulder to grin at Roca*
Roca: *snorts* |They’d /understand/ you, Vekal. It’d be a start.|
Vekal: |It's easier for you. You're untouchable as an ambassador; you have nothing to lose.|
Roca: |I also have no superiors to manipulate.|
Vekal: |Well, granted.|
Roca: |They are superiors. They want to be in charge. Grant them to feel like it.|
Vekal: |Are you saying I don't give my superiors reason to...| *pause* |Don't answer that.|
Roca: *laughs* |Don’t tell me you’ve become that little Cardassian.|
Vekal: *huffs, offended, but not /that/ offended because it's Roca* |I was never one to submit to superiors who use their power against me or anyone else on the crew just to prove that they /can/.|
Roca: *snorts* |Now do you want to manipulate them or stand up to them? You should at least know yourself.|
Vekal: |Well the two really coincide most of the time. Outright confrontation doesn't work very well.|
Roca: |Hm. And if humbly showing off would work so well you wouldn’t be here right now.|
Vekal: |No. Do you suppose other Federation ships are as bad?|
Roca: *shrugs* |Surely in some ways, but not in others.|
Vekal: |Of course.| *like: Figures.* *shakes her head* |I'm almost to the point of requesting a transfer, but I would /miss/ this ship.| *grins* |And I would miss the chance to be with another Cardassian. Still, it would be nice if I didn't have to /deal/ with this bullshit. I suppose I could simply do what needs to be done without troubling anyone for permission, but I doubt that would help my personal situation.|
Roca: *doesn’t particularly like the thought to lose the chance to be with another Cardassian, either o.O* |Is that how you handle things? If it gets difficult you jump ship?|
Vekal: |As a matter of fact, I've never had to, but I think it would be. If a situation really is more than I can deal with, I extricate myself. I'm no good to anyone if I can't handle a situation, but there's always something I can do somewhere else.|
Roca: |Mhm. Tell me, which situation was it that you couldn’t handle on Cardassia?|
Vekal: |Considering our discussion so far, I'm sure you'll laugh at me.| *dryly*
Roca: |Don’t tell me it was your superiors.| *also dryly*
Vekal: |No, I thought there was a better way to deal with Starfleet than killing them all.|
Roca: *chuckles* |And now Starfleet proved you wrong.|
Vekal: |Well, I suppose it just proves that there's no point in questioning the State.|
Roca: |The point is that you oughtn’t put your own ideals over state doctrines no matter what you personally believe. /Sympathizing / is one thing, /defecting/ is another. What were you thinking to establish on your own, anyway? Or how did you think to persuade Starfleet if you obviously don’t believe you can convince your own people from the inside, hm?|
Vekal: *smiles* |Starfleet minds are easier to change. Besides, /their/ doctrine is all about peace. An alliance is always preferable than war, given that an alliance is possible. I decided to let the diplomats worry about the political aspects of that question and show that it can be accepted by the people. Don't tell me that I haven't changed minds, either, because I have.|
Roca: |So you set out to change the minds of the easier exorable. I am truly impressed.|
Vekal: |Mm. In hindsight, perhaps not my best decision, and if I seem blase about it that's only because I don't care to live the rest of my life wallowing in regret. In either case, there's not much to be done about it now, is there?|
Roca: *smiles humourlessly*|It looks that way, doesn’t it? You’ll have to bear with your superiors for longer.|
Vekal: *scoffs* |That's hardly a meaningful punishment. Besides, there are other positions open to me. Now that you're here, I'm not really needed to convince these people of anything.| *Loris is yours already, after all, and the Bajoran First Officer should be the greatest challenge of all.*
Roca: |Mhm. But you’ll have the same problems again. Don’t pretend your personality never caused a fuss on Cardassia.|
Vekal: |It was never /this/ bad.|
Roca: |Of course not. You were on Cardassia.|
Vekal: *chuckles* |Fair point.|
Roca: |Ah, but I still haven’t given my advice: I wouldn’t tell your superiors here how you feel about them in comparison to Gul Jecett.|
Vekal: |I'd ask if you take me for a complete idiot, but I don't think I want you to answer that either.| *grins* |Besides, I exaggerate. I don't want to kill them. I just want to banish them to Earth’s polar ice caps.| *aka hell*
Roca: |Doubtlessly with enough food and heat so they won’t starve or freeze to death.|
Vekal: |Is that so wrong?|
Roca: *snorts* |You truly belong in Starfleet.|
Vekal: |Now that was uncalled for. I don't belong anywhere where I have to keep my colleagues on the ethical path. I don't /like/ it.|
Roca: |Is it so hard?| *condescendingly*
Vekal: *doesn't answer, the Jecett incident springing to mind* |Must you always be so rude?|
Roca: |If not me, then who?|
Vekal: |Believe me, there are more than enough.|
Roca: *gets up* |So I’m not needed.|
Vekal: |Not for that. I still appreciate your company and your advice.| *You don't need to leave. Really.*
Roca: |I know that you do.| *heads for the turbolift*
Vekal: *doesn't follow her, instead turning back to look out the window again* |Good evening, Glinn Roca.|
Roca: *murmurs a standardized Cardassian farewell word and exits*
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