
Daily Logs 7-31-15

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Literature Text

I.  Natalie is welcomed aboard by Webb
II. Sarin and Arra consider the possibility that they might be high
III. Vekal and Fallan visit Engineering
IV. Of anger, murder and buried bodies: Leslie and Rorin talk about the usual

Webb: *waiting in the shuttle bay because while welcoming new crewmembers is a dull and tedious tasks, he /does/ like to get a good look at whatever new headache Starfleet has decided to inflict upon him*
Natalie: *Has had all her bags transported to her room already and she walks out with some hesitation because she didn't really choose this place, or any for that matter. And After taking a look at the mission history she is kinda nervous about this place, but she'll try not to express it. * *She is a petite lady with light blond hair but into a very layered bob. Her bangs don't get in her eyes but cover a good portion of her forehead* *She walks off the shuttle and greets Webb with an unsure Salute* 4th year Cadet Buchanan, Captain. *Tries to keep eye contact but ends up looking at his forehead instead*
Webb: *my eyes are down here* Welcome to the Legacy, Cadet Buchanan. I'm afraid to inform you that we are currently in the midst of a small issue regarding the planet below, and your medical services, while hopefully will /not/ be needed, may find themselves tested sooner rather than later. I will escort you to your quarters. *ushers her towards him so they can walk together*
Natalie: *Eases up from the salute* I read the logs we had thus far, ma- sir. *Covers her blunder quickly* *Oh God please tell me he didn't catch that*
Webb: *raises his eyebrows* Either you were about to call me ma'am, or your mother, either way, is my gender in question?
Natalie: *shiiiiiiit* Oh! Noo *Holds out that 'o' for a bit longer than typical* I blundered up the pronouns. *uncomfortable grin, still walking with Webb*
Webb: Of course, if you wanted to call me Master Webb I can't say I would be opposed. *in past days he would have given her a creepy smile, but now he just gives her an amused expression* Captain or Sir will do just fine, however.
Natalie: *Chuckles a bit out of relief* Well if you were to order us to call you "Master" I could oblige. *chuckles because she thinks it would be funny to call the Captain master*
Webb: *don't tempt me* I'll keep that in mind. Shall we? *starts walking*
Natalie: *Nods her head* Okay *catches on to her sounding a bit too casual* Sir. *a bit overly sternly to compensate for her 'okay'*
Webb: Do you have any questions about being aboard?
Natalie: I actually do, are the past mission logs of this ship sugar coated in any way? *Because if they are as unlucky as the logs made it out to be she wants to know exactly how much danger she is in*
Webb: The official reports tend to be fairly accurate, though obviously each crewmember's individual reports will hold certain biases.
Natalie: *nods her head* I asked because the more "complex" *has no idea how else to put it* missions piqued my curiosity.
Webb: You could always try to seek out the crewmembers who were most involved in the missions you're interested in, though I can't promise you that they will always wish to speak on them.
Natalie: So I probably shouldn't harass them with questions on my first day? *Kinda makes a slight side grin*
Webb: Don't harass them with questions on any day. Ask, and if they don't want to speak about it, leave them alone.
Natalie: Oh of course, I'll be respectful about it. *At least I think I will be*
Webb: Good. If you have any questions within your department, though technically Doctor Levrance is your department head, you may be better off directing questions to Doctor Harrison. She's much more social.
Natalie: Alright, I'll keep that in mind. *She's been stalking Starfleet profiles of her department people so she kinda knows who is who*
Webb: Like I said, anyone in your department. Barring them, try the first or second officers, they may be able to help as well.
Natalie: So Commander Loris or Commander McAdams?
Webb: *looks vaguely impressed she memorized the names* Correct.
Natalie: *Yeah she memorized them on the way here and she'll probably have to look up the names again in an hour for it to actually stick* *She just thought of another question, but that is mostly out of social curiosity so she decides to keep it to herself. She continues to walk*
Webb: Normally I recommend new crewmembers take a day or two to adjust to the ship, but seeing how we're in the midst of an issue, I would request that you report to Sickbay as soon as you're comfortable.
Natalie: Well, I'm already in uniform, so I shouldn't take too long. *Looks visibly nervous even if she is trying to repress it* *She expected to go right into work but, mentally prepping and actually doing are two different things*
Webb: I didn't mean right this second, but today would be ideal.
Natalie: Okay so begin unpacking and /then/ show up for work?
Webb: Whatever you are most comfortable with.
Natalie: Got-- Understood, sir.
Webb: *glances over at her* You speak very casually.
Natalie: It's a work in progress. *has a sheepish demeanor*
Webb: Mm, well, unfortunately there are many officers who share that particular lapse in conduct.
Natalie: *Pauses* Well I am trying to train myself to follow that particular conduct... so I am at least aware of it. *Adds that part a bit meekly*
trollintheclosetWebb: Awareness in the first step. *stops at a door* Here are your quarters.
Webb: My pleasure. Good luck, Cadet. *waits for her to enter her room*
Natalie: *Opens the door and walks in and makes a quick glance around* *Kinda looks back to see if Webb is still there*
Webb: *once she walks in the door, leaves*

Arra: *sitting in the library of the sim with a four-armed sweater and some kind of shawl, reading through a bunch of books laid out on a table by a window*
Sarin: *She walks into the library, again with a squeegie-sponge thing. She stops dead in her tracks when she steps into the room and her eyes widen like she's having a moment.*
Arra: *reads through the books and then pauses at a certain word... And then falls backwards like she's panicked, only to stop and look around in confusion wondering what happened*
Sarin: *She startles back into reality with Arra's fall and approaches her.* You are all right?
Arra: *nods and looks around a bit, brushing a strand of hair out of the way* Y-yes... I think so...
Sarin: *She lets Arra push herself up if she is alright. She gives the library a glance-over.* There is something peculiar about today.
Arra: *standing up and brushing herself off* Oh?
Sarin: Something is supposed to happen here. Or has already happened. *She folds her hands on top of the handle of her window washing stick thing and stares at a particular corner.*
Arra: *knits her eyebrows* A lot of things happen... *is slightly worried by this one*
Sarin: This one is irrational. Illogical. It is almost as if it has been designed to prey on the very primordial fears that each of us house. *She starts walking towards the corner, the corner where she died.* Do you feel that as well?
Arra: *looks around* No... Yes? Sort of... I read a word and then... It's like I remembered something... But I... I did not... *does that even make sense* Not what you said though.
Sarin: then what is it that you feel?
Arra: It is /like/ what you said, only with one of these words and not the room.
Sarin: That is illogical. At least, according to our reality, it is illogical. *She examines her corner. Nothing there at the moment, but Sarin has the knowledge that something should be there.* Very curious. Perhaps some of the physicists would take interest in these experiences.
Arra: *gives a sigh and rubs her eyes* Maybe I should just stop studying to extensively...
Sarin: You believe your intense studying caused your brief moments of panic?
Arra: Perhaps it has put me too much on edge.
Sarin: If that is the case, then how come I am experiencing these things as well. I am not a student here and I do not study. I clean things.
Arra: *says something in her native language* I don't know, that depends on how you live your life.
Sarin: *Has no idea what that tidbit in Arra's language was and does not comment on it.* I assure you I live a relatively stress-free life compared to some of you students.
Arra: *four-armed shrug* I have no idea.
Sarin: Perhaps we are experiencing a rare mass hallucination?
Arra: *tilts her head* That... does not make sense.
Sarin: How so?
Arra: A mass hallucination I mean... How?
Sarin: It's possible a hallucinogenic substance has made it's way into our water or ventilation systems. It wouldn't be the first time a chemistry student accidentally infected the Academy.
Arra: *just stares for a bit* *dismisses the thought and shakes her head, muttering something about the chemistry majors* Have they ever put out an announcement?
Sarin: No, I have heard no such announcement.
Arra: *sighs* Well, I suppose we had better continue on as best we can then.
Sarin: Yes. But I would begin logging each incident, what happened, and the time that it happened. It's possible this could be used in a lawsuit against the school later, and if not, it's useful for a doctor to know.
Arra: *False, she wouldn't* I am just a language student, I could not do that... You would want the science majors.
Sarin: Perhaps I will suggest this to the science majors as well. *She raises an eyebrow at Arra*
Arra: It is probably a better idea, I would not be able to do such things.
Sarin: Suit yourself. May I ask that you move to a seat away from the window? I do not wish to spray you. These chemicals are known to cause cancer in some species of humanoids.
Arra: *starts closing up the books and tucks a few piles under her back arms before taking care of the rest* I'll just find somewhere else.
Sarin: Thank you for your compliance. *She sounds like a robot. Cleanbot6000 gets to work on cleaning the windows.*
Arra: *leaves Cleanbot6000 and heads off to another part of the library*


Vekal: *just finishes working on a thing and decides she want to go down to Engineering to see how the drone analysis is going* *oh look a manservant Fallan is here* Ensign Fallan-Ra-Gensolli. Would you like to visit Engineering with me?
Manservant: *Sitting at his workstation and throwing himself into his work does wonders for his mood. Shame it doesn't last very long. He glances up at Vekal.* I would be happy to join you, but what business do you have down there?
Vekal: I want to see how work is coming on analyzing the captured alien technology. *she could send a message to /ask/ but then she wouldn't be able to personally observe everything*
Fallan: *He might run into Gyles. But he can't help but be curious as well. Those drones could hold the key to getting everyone back. Or discovering if they're all dead. He stands up and places his equipment away.* Then I will join you, absolutely.
Vekal: Good. *stands up as well and closes out the program she was running* Let's go, then. *leads the way*
Fallan: *Walks with her.* What do you expect the engineers will find? *Mostly making idle talk, but he's also a bit curious*
Vekal: I'm particularly hoping for an analysis of their weapons and sensors.
Fallan: *reasonable. He'd been so worried about what happened that he forgot that weapons analysis is probably smart. He responds to her with a nod, and a bit of silence before another question comes to mind.* Were you unable to message engineering?
Vekal: No, but a message is much more easily ignored than I am. Besides, I want the crew to /see/ that the senior staff is working on this. *aka that Vekal is working on this because the others tend to be less pushy*
Fallan: *True. Who could ignore Commander Vekal?* I have only seen you working on this. Will the rest of the senior staff be there? *Crap he never took his hair out of it's bun from when he was in the lab. He needs a brush if everyone's going to be there. He pulls his hair down while he thinks about this.*
Vekal: Doubtful. This isn't a formal review; I just want a quick report. Besides, I think better with fewer people around. *true fact*
Fallan: *Really? He still wishes he had a comb with him. He runs his hands through his hair.* You have a strange way of leading. It reminds me of my mother.
Vekal: Pardon? *not sure if this is an insult or a compliment -- she finds it funny though*
Fallan: *A little louder this time.* I said that your leadership skills remind me of my mother. *Wait this is probably going to come out badly, especially since his mom is ancient.* In a good way, of course.
Vekal: Oh I heard you. *definitely amused* But how do you mean?
Fallan: In her youth, at least, she had a way about her. If she wanted something, she'd get it. She'd get a room full of children such as my siblings to behave just by poking her head in the room and frowning the right way.
Vekal: Hm. Alas, I don't quite have that skill. Staff meetings would be so much more pleasant if I did. *straight face*
Fallan: *Also with a straight face.* Well, when that didn't work she'd take a switch and spank us.
Vekal: Mm. *this obviously apeals to her*
Fallan: *Oh god did he just tell his Commander to spank the senior staff? What if she didn't get the joke. Oh no.* ...Obviously I don't think that'll work here.
Vekal: True. Everyone is far too accustomed to pain. One would need something /really/ cruel. Perhaps one of those energy whips. Or an implant.
Fallan: ...Perhaps that's something best saved for the bedroom.
Vekal: The bedroom? *obviously surprised* Why would I do /that/? *all innocence* Whatever perverted fantasies you have, Ensign, I want no part in them. I was only trying to think of ways to keep my coworkers in line.
Fallan: *Gives Vekal a confused look, like he's not really sure if she's joking or dead serious. He doesn't say anything, just looks confused.*
Vekal: *gives him a wicked grin* *not gonna go into the whole I-don't-do-the-sex-thing thing, because this is just too funny*
Fallan: *I'm getting too damn old for this. Good thing engineering is just ahead.* Well here we are.
Vekal: Excellent. *still grinning to herself as she enters Engineering and looks around for someone who can report to her*
NPC Engineer: *working on the drones, seeming a touch confused by some of the parts*
Fallan: *lets Vekal do the leadership thing for now. he's just here for the ride.*
Vekal: *heads over to the NPC* Excuse me! Do you have a minute? *translation, stop what you're doing and pay attention to me*
NPC Engineer: *somehow he's not surprised* *comes to attention* Yes, sir.
Vekal: *gestures at the drone* How far along are you?
NPC Engineer: *scratches the back of his head* Well, we've managed to get some of the parts pulled out. And some of them are baffling, to say the least.
Vekal: I'd like a list. Have you made progress with their sensors?
Fallan: *takes the time to walk casually towards the drone and look it over. they're a lot less scary when dead*
NPC Engineer: *nods* Yes. They have a sort of hive mind, a lot like bees or ants, with either one big drone or something else serving as the "queen". This *points to a part* is how they communicate. I'll wager it's how they get around the place without bumping into things.
Vekal: What about sensing intruders? Is it heat-activated? *recalls how they went after Fallan and ignored her*
NPC Engineer: *nod* I bet it's programmed not to register anything cold-blooded as within their notice. Er, no offense, Commander.
Fallan: *leans in close to the drone to look*
Vekal: Mm. I wonder if the Captain would authorize a strike force consisting of myself and Glinn Roca. *to Fallan* What do you think? *obviously joking, and doesn't give him time to answer before moving on to the NPC again* All right. First, work on a way to mimic the settings of their sensors. They must be able to see through that barrier; if we could copy their technology, we could too. Second, work on a way to interfere with their hive mind.
NPC Engineer: Ah, one more thing, Commander.
Vekal: Hm? *only one? but she'd hoped for much more they hadn't gotten to yet*
NPC Engineer: *holds up a part that looks like it was disconnected from a tube of some sort, with a serum inside* This stuff. Dunno what it's for; some kind of coolant? *the things don't seem to need it, though*
Vekal: I'll take it to the labs and have it analyzed. Do you have a containment unit?
NPC Engineer: I believe so... *it takes him a moment to locate it (nearby) and put the serum container inside and hand it to Vekal*
Fallan: *maybe he can analyze that stuff...* I have time to analyze it, if you'd like.. *looks through a now hollowed section of the drone*
Vekal: Thank you. *to both* *maybe she and Fallan can do it together; she's a chemist and he wants to learn chemistry; this would be a good education for him* What about their weapons systems? *to the NPC, looking at the drone*
Engineer: They appear to have two is just your normal stun bolt, so I wouldn't be surprised if our people ran into these and got stunned. The other one is...I don't know what to make of it. *points to a part that looks a bit like a gun barrel*
Fallan: *Looks down into the barrel. thank god he's not a security officer*
Vekal: Does anyone else know what to make of it? *dryly* Ask around, please. *thinks of Mal for some reason, but he's not around* Find an answer.
Fallan: *Doesn't really know engineering. he can tell the gun shoots things.* If only Gyles were here... *he mumbles.* May I see the container?
NPC Engineer: *nods* Will do, Sir. *brief pause* There was also something about the unit's shielding. It appears to be old, old enough to not work 100% of the time. And it looks like it could have a weakness to projectile weapons. Have to test it, though.
Vekal: That sounds like we need another away mission. *her and Roca??* Give me a list of the things Engineering would like to test. Is there anything else of interest in the drone's hardware?
NPC Engineer: *other than everything?* *nods* We still need to figure out how these things see through the barrier, and hopefully use that to alter our sensors so we can see what's inside. *among other things*
Fallan: *stays quiet and listens to the banter*
Vekal: Yes. *like she said* Have you been able to interpret their programming? I believe Lieutenant T'Resa was working on that effort. *since she's a programmer*
NPC Engineer: Some of it. Not enough to mess them up too badly, yet.
Vekal: I was more hoping for insights into their intentions.
NPC Engineer: Oh...sorry, not yet. Should have some soon, though. *and by soon he means end of the day*
Vekal: *nods* Keep me informed.
NPC Engineer: *nods* Aye, Sir.
Vekal: I think that's it. *looks to Fallan* Did You have any questions?
Fallan: Not now, I don't have any…
Vekal: *to the NPC* Then was there anything else that struck you? *used an expression* *yay*
NPC Engineer: *headshake* When did you want the list of stuff we want to test?
Fallan: *Stands by Vekal's side, he's done looking over the drone for now*
Vekal: As soon as you can get it done. This evening would be ideal.
Fallan: *Stands by Vekal's side, he's done looking over the drone for now*
Vekal: As soon as you can get it done. This evening would be ideal.
NPC Engineer: *That he can do* *nod* Yes, sir.
Vekal: *exhales* Keep up the good work. *turns to head out; last chance to stop her*
Fallan: *Turns with her, he's trying to minimize his chance of running into Gyles. This is his lair after all. Or so he thinks.*
Vekal: *heads out and it's back to work for her and Fallan to analyze the liquidy thing together*

Leslie: *on the O-Deck with a blanket and hot chocolate and a PADD* *and steadfastly ignoring the PADD while staring out the window*
Rorin: *coming from astrometrics, enters the O-Deck, arms crossed in front of his chest, headed for the glass front; already halfway there, suddenly realizes the emotional vibes and presence of another person, stops abruptly* Eh-- *^^°* Ah, hi. Hi Leslie.
Leslie: *turns in her seat to look, and gives him a small automatic smile* Hey Rorin. How's it going?
Rorin: Ah. *^^°* Well. *coughs, getting a hold on himself* I was thinking. That aside, I'd say I'm wide awake again and more or less fine.
Leslie: *tilts her head* Are you sure about that? You look kinda caught off-guard.
Rorin: That might be because you did catch me off-guard. *finally walks up to the glass front* I was thinking about this *nods at the glass, towards the planet* and got really preoccupied in thoughts.
Leslie: I'm sorry if I surprised you. *watches him, taking a sip of her chocolate* What were you thinking of?
Rorin: *small headshake* It's fine. No reason to be sorry. This is a public location after all. *notices her PADD* Did I disturb you? *that totally answers her question*
Leslie: *shakes her head and puts her PADD face-down on the couch* I was just working on something that wasn't that interesting anyway.
Rorin: *small nod* All right, then. What I was thinking about isn't-- ahh, it's interesting, but also frustrating because, of course, we don't have all the answers. Yet. *headshake* Mostly, I was going through some sensor calibrations. I just got off-shift.
Leslie: I see. Um. What were the calibrations for?
Rorin: Well, the attempt is still to get an idea of what this ominous facility looks like from inside. *small shrug* Normally, the sensors from astrometrics are more specialized on stellar cartography, but we can at least try.
Leslie: And are you getting anywhere with it?
Rorin: *shakes his head, making a small face* Not yet. *shrugs again, small grin* Perhaps I'll just beam down and take a look inside. I'm curious.
Kelsey: *somewhere on the ship* *senses a disturbance in the force*
Leslie: *small grin back at him* I think if you did that, you'd find out very quickly what happened to our lost officers.
Rorin: *small grin* Which is what we'd all like to know. But I fear I wouldn't be able to tell you. I might need to work on that detail of my otherwise well-wrought plan.
Leslie: It shouldn't be too difficult of an obstacle to overcome. I have faith in your abilities.
Rorin: Heh, thank you. /Or/ you want me out of the way. *pause* Hm, besides. If you have corpses to bury, this planet seems convenient to me.
Leslie: *grins* *maybe with a bit of malice* Who needs corpses when I have a solitary building into which officers disappear? You've stumbled across my dastardly plan.
Rorin: *raises a brow, wry smile* Then perhaps I better stop talking about rescue plans, before I mysteriously disappear myself.
Leslie: Yeah, maybe. Or maybe you could just be my accomplice. That could work out, too.
Rorin: *leans with his back against the glass front* I am a very trustworthy person after all. But I should know who is to vanish and who isn't. It would be a pity if I made a mistake.
Leslie: *snorts and shifts in her seat* Is that a dig for information, or just concern that you'll abandon the wrong person?
Rorin: *small sheepish grin* It's both. But it's no subtle dig because I wasn't trying to sneak information from you and I won't insist on an answer.
Leslie: I appreciate that. *sips more chocolate*
Rorin: And here people say that I'm nosy.
Leslie: How ignorant of your personality they are. *runs a hand through her hair* I was trying to write a letter to my friend, actually.
Rorin: *small nod* How did it go? *probably not well, since they were talking about burying corpses and people disappearing :/*
Leslie: I have "Dear Friend" so far.
Rorin: *tilts his head* And for how long did you try?
Leslie: *^^'* *sheepish grin* I stared at it for about fifteen minutes before deciding the window was more interesting.
Rorin: Ahh. *nods* So I see it's going quite well.
Leslie: Prodigiously.
Rorin: Were you intending to warn him of your dastardly plan? Or to include him.
Leslie: Eh. I don't think my friend'd like being included.
Rorin: I suppose not. A mystery trip isn't for everyone.
Leslie: No, it isn't. A pity.
Rorin: *glances outside the window, still sideways leaning against the glass front* I really do wonder what this mystery trip is like, though.
Leslie: A very isolating one, I imagine.
Rorin: Hm, I don't know. *glances at her, small faint smile* I do wonder but at the same time, I don't really give it much thought.
Leslie: Too much and too overwhelming to consider?
Rorin: Well, I'd like to know what the building and those drones are for and why they do what they do, whatever exactly it is. But coming up with the wildest ideas won't help. Not me, anyway. I'd just get emotional if I don't think about it on a more rational basis.
Leslie: Imagination can be a dangerous thing. Are you able to keep that in check?
Rorin: *nods* Most of the time, yes.
Leslie: And when you can't?
Rorin: Then I meditate, if I get to, and try to keep focusing on the facts and mission. And I save feeling bad for some time later, when I don't have to focus anymore.
Leslie: You must have a hell of a lot of fortitude.
Rorin: Hm. *wags his head* I wish it was so. It only works to some degree. If a situation gets too bad for me, emotionally, I narrow my perception down to some sort of-- tunnel vision.
Leslie: Focus on the task, nothing else?
Rorin: *nods* On the task. On getting rid of what's in my way, yes. If it gets really bad, I can manage to narrow a complex situation down to “those who aren't with me, are against me”. But to do that, I must be under immense emotional pressure.
Leslie: Like your war.
Rorin: For example, yes.
Leslie: That must be rough. *understatement of the millennium*
Rorin: Well, in the end it was more difficult to snap out of it. *small wry smile* It included admitting own mistakes and misjudgment. *headshake* Did you know that enemies are people, too?
Leslie: I did, but I try to forget it more often than I should.
Rorin: In your war?
Leslie: *guilty* If by war you mean my life.
Rorin: *nods* Most people fight against someone or something.
Leslie: I fight all the time. It's a thing I do, apparently.
Rorin: Against what 'do' you fight?
Leslie: Anything that displeases me, really. *leans back, tilts her head a bit* Did you know I'm surrounded by idiots. Present company excluded, of course.
Rorin: *small smile* Thank you. *sobers* That must be rough.
Leslie: It is. Every day is truly a struggle.
Rorin: Is it smart to show you all these tricks with the knife? *doesn't sound worried, though*
Leslie: I haven't purposefully killed anyone yet. *brightly*
Rorin: Heh. Purposefully.
Leslie: Yeah. You know. With intent. *focuses on her drink* Except for this giant centipede thing that tried to eat me and- and Erik on this planet once. I totally killed that on purpose. *more drink*
Rorin: Well, that's life against life. *tilts his head* And also a very huge animal with predatory intent. *>.>°* But in any case, it's understandable.
Leslie: Yeah. Which is why I didn't count it. I meant people.
Rorin: *nods* It does make a difference if it's closer to one's own kind.
Leslie: I am terribly, horribly, painfully aware of that.
Rorin: I don't doubt it.
Leslie: *drinks more*
Rorin: *looks outside the window for a moment, then* Why do you fight?
Leslie: With who- oh. Uhm...I don't know, really, I guess I just always have. *shrugs* Something irritates me, or I find a situation unjust and I- I lash out. It's how I react.
Rorin: *looks at her when she starts replying* That sounds-- *pauses briefly* exhausting. *for the lack of a better word*
Leslie: *wry grin* I guess it is. It does take a lot of energy to get as angry as I do.
Rorin: *small grin* Ahh, perhaps I can imagine. In a way. I only spent about a week or two in an easily annoy-able condition.
Leslie: *slow grin* Oh yes. Constant anger. I remember. What a fun time for you.
Rorin: Heh. *grins* Yes, it was really a fun time when I had murder intents and almost wrung some people's neck.
Leslie: You don't have to remind me. I remember.
Rorin: *^^°* Ah, no I suppose not.
Leslie: I do have a little more control than that.
Rorin: That's good. *tilts his head* Well, it looks like you have more control than that.
Leslie: I'm glad it shows.
Rorin: *nods* Yes. The lack of purposeful killing gives it away.
Leslie: *grins* I've worked very hard on that.
Rorin: I believe you. The temptation is strong.
Leslie: It is. Thank you. For believing me.
Rorin: Of course. You're welcome.
Leslie: *gives him a small nod and drinks more chocolate*
Rorin: *smiles at her, then looks outside again at the planet and is silent for a moment, takes a deep breath* It's been a long shift. Perhaps I should meditate and shower. *and it has nothing to do with having noticed his reflection in the glass, no, why would it*
Leslie: *nods* That sounds like a good idea.
Rorin: *small grin* I know. My hair looks terrible. *not really* Have a nice evening, Leslie, and sleep well. I'll see you around?
Leslie: *smiles at him* Yeah, I'll see you around. Have a nice night, Rorin.
Rorin: *smiles* Likewise. *gives himself a little push away from the glass front and heads off the O-Deck*
Leslie: *watches him go, then picks up her PADD again and stares at it*
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