
Daily Logs 12-19-15

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

I. Several of the characters initiate a breakout with Rein's stolen lightsaber and scatter like rabbits
II. T'Pah finds a PADD with some information and then is interrupted by Webb, and she throws a fork at him
III. Roca and Molly beat each other up and Molly's dismemberment tally grows by two
IV. Kelsey finds an important map and it takes a whole squad of guards to take her down
V. Vaughn manages to destroy the power to some of the facility consoles after wrestling in a dark room with a large hairy man
VI. Jeanne finds the armory and then is carried away by a viking goddess
VII. Molly tries to go to sleep on Vekal and ends up on the couch floor

T'Pah: *has left it to Molly to find trustworthy and capable people for their break-out attempt*
*has the lightsaber hidden under her robes and approaches the main door of the prison sector when she figures there's not much going on* 
Molly: *even though Vekal told her not to go, she can't just hang around and she thinks there are plenty of people to take care of the little kids so she's there* *steps up to T'Pah after spotting her at the door* I don't know if your plan was to stick together or not, but I think we'll get more done if we split up and run like hell. Otherwise you'll just get bogged down defending us and you won't get anywhere. We can be distractions. 
T'Pah: *slight nod* I agree. This way some of you may even go out and back in undetected. *no punishment, but information guaranteed*
Kelsey: *approaches the beginnings of a gathering at the door, trying to look as confident as possible, yet utterly failing* *definitely so ready for this* 
Vaughn: *approaches the soon-to-be gathering as well, mustering up all the guts he can* *even if he doesn't find anything out, at least he can make a lot of noise and be a distraction for the others* *tries not to think of the fact that this could very well get them killed, or at least severely hurt* 
Jeanne: *Walks up behind the group after doing some mental prepping, she's ready to scram.* *Is also gonna use this adrenaline to run faster* 
Kelsey: *smiles at Jeanne in greeting, she made it!* 
Jeanne: *Smiles back to Kelsey* 
Molly: *turns back to the group* You all hear that? As soon as we have an opening we run. Everyone go in different directions, gather as much information as you can, and do your best not to get caught. If you do, talk your way out of it. Say that you saw the opening and you just panicked. There was no plan. You're a scared little kid. *looks over each of them, hoping she chose wisely, and then turns back to T'Pah* Okay. I think everyone's ready. 
T'Pah: *nods in agreement with Molly and figures it's time to melt down the door before they attract too much attention* *turns to the door and activates the lightsaber, then paints a circle, attempting to melt a hole into it* If you can, get the serum and anti-serum as a weapon and to cure us. Be attentive, we'll need all the information we can get. And if you manage to get a message out or flee: By all means! Good luck! 
Vaughn: *nods* Understood. *getting twitchy* *the "scared kid" part is certainly true for him* 
Kelsey: *bounces on her feet as an answer* Simple. Of course. 
Jeanne: *Nods her head a bit as a response* 
[Outside the door is a long hallway with several doors set at random intervals, with no indication about whether these led to rooms, other hallways, or anything else.]
T'Pah: *finishes the circle. Its interior falls to the floor and she deactivates the lightsaber, stepping out*
Molly: *bolts out after T'Pah* Split up! Mentally map as much as you can! *hangs back to make sure everyone gets a good start* 
Vaughn: *nods* *definitely twitchy* *bounces on his toes for a bit before heading out as well, going in a random direction at a run* *not going to deny he's terrified, but he's still going to get /something/ done* 
Kelsey: *waits just long enough to make sure there aren't guards posted right outside the door and then sprints out the door and down the hallway, not sure which way she wants to go, just as long as she gets as far away from the door as possible* 
Jeanne: *wants to be the last one to leave, just to make sure everyone got out properly, and sprints forward checking the 4th door to the left* 
T'Pah: *after a quick glance back at Molly who has it under control, starts running towards the end of the corridor, attempting to get as deep into the facility as she can* *the important things won't be just next to the prison, right?*

T'Pah: *in a sprint, takes one turn in the corridor after the other* *if she had the force, she'd be surer she's on the right way. Like this she can only guess and take in as much of her surroundings as possible* 
[T'Pah will pass areas that start to get less bare, look more lived in. Two large doors stand open into what look like a common eating area on her left.] 
T'Pah: *stops abruptly and changes her strategy, looking for air vents and hiding places in the corridor. So far her best bet is to run back behind the last turn if she sees anyone approaching* *but nobody approaches (yet). She creeps closer to the first large open door, presses her back against the wall next to it and peers in to see if someone will recognise her passing it*
[The eating area is empty, everything neat and set up as if ready for an oncoming meal. The large room immediately through the doors is lined with tables and chairs, and a doorway in the back seems to lead to a kitchen of some sort.] 
T'Pah: *isn't looking for a kitchen, so she continues her way down the corridor* *but keeps that room in mind, for now mainly in case she needs a hiding place, and quickly*
[Further down the corridor she'll find a series of rooms that look similar to their detention area, dorm-like rooms with bunk beds except these have more furnishings.] 
T'Pah: *the converts' quarters?* *does the thing with peering into the rooms again, trying to pass these, too* *tensed, knowing that any concentrated force user could feel her presence while she runs around with blind senses*
[If she's paying attention, in one of the quarters lies an unlocked PADD on the table, and on the screen is a message from an unrecognizable name to a converted student, explaining in detail the plan to capture students and either convert them or use them as ways to drive others to the dark side, complete with a final paragraph explaining the end goal: to then use those students to conquer the galaxy.] 
T'Pah: *does pay attention and comes closer to study the PADD, having her thumb at the lightsaber's switch* 
Webb: *just happens to be skulking by that room and does a double-take because he's pretty sure T'Pah doesn't belong there* *stands in the doorway and clears his throat* 
T'Pah: *stands there with the PADD in one hand and the lightsaber in the other, not having turned her back to the door entirely, but having scrolled through the folders to find a map or indication as to where the serum is stored and how it's created* *looks up when she hears Webb, freezes* So we meet again. Missed me?
Webb: You should drop the PADD. *calm* 
T'Pah: You're right. *drops the PADD and assumes a combat stance* I'll need both hands to fight you. *activates the yellow blade*
Webb: *activates his own blade, which is now a deep crimson since he's replaced the crystal* I'd be insulted if you only used one. *smirks* *stands in the doorway and waits for her to make the first move, in no hurry* 
T'Pah: *the first red blade she sees. Apparently she was right in thinking he is the only serious opponent out of those dark side children* *has been to real battle, before, and hopes it will give her a slight advantage that evens out her disability to use the force* RAAH! *swings the lightsaber over her head and jumps at him*
Webb: *steps back into the hallway and brings his lightsaber up to block, moving easily into a series of defensive moves where he tries to get a feel for her style and how advanced she is in her techniques* 
T'Pah: *attacks with far more rage than a Jedi probably should have* *tries to compensate her lack of force by striking quickly and precisely, sticking to exactly what she's practices, using form VII*
Webb: *after getting a feeling for her forms and power, backs down the hallway, still on the defensive* You seem angry. *taunts* Isn't that not allowed? 
T'Pah: And who *strikes* are you *strikes again* to reprimand me? Kindapping is also not allowed.
Webb: I've /embraced/ my rule-breaking. *deflects each blow but still doesn't make any offensive moves* 
T'Pah: I will also embrace it if it gets me past you! 
Webb: Embracing it will make you /join/ me! *lets out what sounds something like a laugh and steps into an offensive series of strikes with fury behind them* 
T'Pah: At least you won't be able to embrace that, because it'll mean you're dead by then. *blocks the strikes, though she has difficulties seeing them coming and loses ground* *is forced to retreat, walking backwards to keep her distance from Webb*
Webb: Overconfidence is just another step towards the dark side. *he's really just biding his time, as soon as he wants to immobilize her he'll use the Force to do so* 
T'Pah: You must know, seeing how you've taken all the steps! *stares him down, still blocking his attacks* *concentrates on his style now, to hopefully find a weakness in his defense strategy and use his own overconfidence to get a blow in*
Webb: *knows that she's more advanced than him in lightsaber training so he goes back on the defensive, drawing it out as long as he can* Yes, I have. And that's why I'll be the one to win this fight. 
T'Pah: Because you're already fully blinded by anger, fear and overconfidence? *keeps striking, but doesn't break through his defense... yet? She keeps trying*
Webb: *he /is/ overconfident though he'd never admit it* *suddenly he misses a counterstrike and her lightsaber slashes across his chest, he has the presence of mind to leap back but it leaves a long, deep burn just under his collarbone* 
T'Pah: *there's a glow of triumphant glee in her eyes for just a few seconds before she can suppress it* Pity it didn't kill you. *she shouldn't have said that* *she must do something against her anger issues and the fact that she doesn't feel any remorse at all, but not now. Now's time for combat*
Webb: *stumbles at the strike, though he's too proud to make a sound and instead just looks down at his tattered robe and then back up at her, fury igniting his own eyes as well* *lowers his lightsaber, still ignited, and throws a force push at her intended to lift her up and slam her against the wall of the hallway to his right* 
T'Pah: *realises his intentions the moment he looks at her, but has no way to block his attack* *is lifted up and slammed against the wall* Ugh! *slides down at said wall, catching breath* *the lightsaber fell out of her hand, but conveniently landed next to her and now she's reaching for it*
Webb: *lets her pick it up again, he has no shortage of Force powers and she has none, so he's going to toy with her* Did you want to kill me? 
T'Pah: If I have to, I will. *gets back up and activates the lightsaber* 
Webb: That will only further your path to the dark side, you know. I can already see you starting down it. 
T'Pah: *shakes her head, even though she knows he's right* It's combat. Casualties are normal in combat. And you started it. *strikes another blow*
Webb: *blocks it and knocks her back with the force again* This is Rein's lightsaber, isn't it? 
T'Pah: Hngh. *needs a moment to recover from being knocked back, desperately trying to keep her defence up* What if it is?
Webb: Just keeping track of lost items. *steps forward and brings a heavy downward slash at her* 
T'Pah: *yanks her lightsaber up to block his strike, being out of balance* 
Webb: *sees she's off balance and hammers down another lightsaber blow, putting all his strength behind it* 
T'Pah: *is forced onto her knees and the lightsaber goes flying, sliding over the floor* *can't grab it with the force, so she sees her only chance to regain it by rolling over and going after it* *which she doesn't hesitate to try: What does she have to lose?*
Webb: *snatches at the lightsaber with his free hand using the force, and it flies into his fingers* Not so fast. 
T'Pah: *shakes her hand, getting back up without the lightsaber* Not fast enough. 
Webb: *chuckles* Clearly. Though I'll admit, you may have been a formidable opponent with the force. Now. *ignites both lightsabers and spins them once in his hands* Will you go quietly? 
T'Pah: *stares at the lightsabers, horror in her eyes. Swallows* I will go, all right. *turns around and runs*
Webb: *exasperated* That's not what I /meant!/ *runs after her* 
T'Pah: *makes a run for the mess hall, hoping she can escape through the kitchen... or at least find some knives to throw*
Webb: *the kitchen door swings open to a large industrial space, whatever an industrial kitchen would look like in the future, maybe some powered-down droids or something, plenty of kitchen utensils to choose from* *Webb sprints in after her* Stop! 
T'Pah: A moment ago you asked me to go. Make up your mind. *grabs any kitchen utensils – knives, sieves, a pan – she can get and hopes to find another door. If there's none she'll seek cover behing some furniture*
Webb: Back to your prison. *there is no other door, and Webb tries to corner her, both lightsabers still lit* 
T'Pah: Why should I believe that I'm any better off there than here? *throws a fork at Webb*
Webb: *slices it in half and keeps on coming* I probably won't kill you there. 
T'Pah: *tries to think of something to do quickly* Why should I believe you? For all I know, you just want to make an example of me.
Webb: You have potential. I won't waste that unless it's absolutely necessary. 
T'Pah: If you want to use my potential, you'll have to return my force sensitivity. There's a *is stopped from retreating forther by a fridge in her back* ...certain... flaw. In your plans, you know? *sounding nervous*
Webb: We will return your powers when you prove that you are trustworthy enough to use them. *stops a few feet away from her, just waiting to see what she does next* 
T'Pah: Do you really trust one another on your side? I find that hard to believe. *has the kitchen devices pressed against her chest and her back pressed against the fridge and stares at him, uncertain if she should throw everything she has at him or... not* *most ideas she has, otherwise, include using the force*
Webb: More trustworthy than /you./ *sees her inaction and responds by putting Rein's lightsaber on his belt and releasing a bolt of force lightning at T'Pah's chest* 
T'Pah: *screams out and bends over, losing half of the things she had gathered* *squirms*
Webb: That's just a /taste/ of what we could teach you. 
T'Pah: How? 
Webb: If you would only come to our side, you could find out. 
T'Pah: How do I come to your side in the first place? 
Webb: Do you want to? *suspicious* 
T'Pah: What if I did? *somewhat defeated* You would never believe me, so what's the point in discussing it? 
Webb: If you want to, prove it to me by going back to your cell quietly. Then once all of this /trouble/ you've caused dies down, we can talk. 
T'Pah: *silent for a moment, then says quietly* My life against considered loyalty. *nods*
Webb: So you'd rather die than be loyal to the dark side? *not sure he understands her* 
T'Pah: *shakes her head* If you keep your word and I'll still be alive for the promised conversation, I will consider to return that favour with my loyalty. 
Webb: Very well. *steps back and turns off the second saber* Come on. 
T'Pah: *passes Webb, pretty tensed because he could just kill her from behind (but then again, he could just kill her from everywhere without even touching her), and starts leading the way if he lets her*
Webb: *does let her, following behind closely enough so that he could stop her if she runs* *considers blindfolding her but she's seen all this already* What did you read on the PADD? 
T'Pah: That you want to conquer the galaxy. *sarcastic, even though it's true that she read that* 
Webb: Anything else? *has no idea what she could have seen* 
T'Pah: No, nothing else. *except for the name of someone she doesn't know and what they already suspected, anyway* 
Webb: Are you /sure./ *puts some threat into his tone* 
T'Pah: How about you tell me what you don't want me to have seen, and I tell you if I did? *challenged by the threat* 
Webb: *steps forward and smacks her across the back of the head, because he can* *has to reach up to do it* *it's not a dignified picture* 
T'Pah: *jerks, also not a dignified picture* 
Webb: Don't cross me. 
T'Pah: *carefully reaches up to touch the back of her head because it hurts* I wouldn't dream of it. *mutters* I don't know what you're asking for, but I know that I didn't find anything useful. 
Webb: I want to know everything you saw on that PADD. 
T'Pah: A message. From a person I don't know to a person I don't know. It was about your capture of those Padawan and how you want to use *us* them to conquer the galaxy. 
Webb: That's all? 
T'Pah: That, and that you should keep all your information stored in one place to make it easier for me to find it. I wanted a map, or to know where the serum is stored. I'm especially interested in knowing if there's an antidote. 
Webb: I'm sure you are. Perhaps we can talk about that at a later time. 
T'Pah: Perhaps. 
Webb: Do you have any other weapons hidden in the detention area? 
T'Pah: I'm sure there's a lot that could be used as a weapon. But for now I only have the knife I hid under my belt. 
Webb: *pulls her back with the force to stop her from walking* Give it to me. 
T'Pah: *is forcefully stopped and briefly fights for balance, then takes out the knife and offers it to him*
Webb: *inspects it and then clips it to his own belt* Who else in the detention area is feeling especially rebellious? 
T'Pah: Without the force I have difficulties knowing that. 
Webb: *rolls his eyes* I'm sure you've talked to the other students. *pushes her forward to walk again* 
T'Pah: *resumes walking* I have, of course. But that wasn't part of the bargain. You have yet to let me live and maybe I'll tell you when we talk next time. 
Webb: *stops walking and knocks her over with a bolt of force lightning* 
T'Pah: *didn't expect that* *falls over and howls with pain* 
Webb: *stands over her* This is not a /negotiation./ 
T'Pah: *looks up to him* Then what is it? You want me to do something for you and I want you to do something for me. 
Webb: I don't have to do anything for you. I can leave you to rot in that prison and tell the masters you're no good for our service. 
T'Pah: Yes, you can. 
Webb: And why shouldn't I? You're not being cooperative. 
T'Pah: Because you don't give me a reason to be. 
Webb: How about, "I don't kill you." *ignites his lightsaber and holds the tip of it to her throat* 
T'Pah: *lies still and looks up to him* *not really daring to speak with the tip of it at her throat*
Webb: Well? 
T'Pah: *still not speaking*
Webb: *exasperated, pulls the tip of the saber back a few inches* 
T'Pah: *crawls away another few inches* You already offered that once and didn't keep your word. Why should I fall for it a second time?
Webb: What word haven't I kept? I have not killed you yet. I haven't even particularly hurt you. 
T'Pah: So will you now threaten my life at any given opportunity? 
Webb: Until you've proven your loyalty unquestioningly. *snaps his lightsaber off* 
T'Pah: *waits for another three seconds before she gets up* Only a Sith would think fear of death equals loyalty. 
Webb: I never said you /had/ to join us. Walk. *points down the hallway, they're close to the newly repaired door* 
T'Pah: *continues walking* *doesn't strike up any more conversation, hoping to avoid being asked anything else* 
Webb: Are you going to tell me who else in there is rebellious? 
T'Pah: Are you going to kill me if I don't know it?
Webb: No, but I'll hurt you until you stop pretending you don't know. 
T'Pah: Assuming I did know and didn't want to tell you, would you kill me then? 
Webb: I think I could make you talk before we reached that point. 
T'Pah: How? By hurting me until I do?
Webb: And they said you were clever. 
T'Pah: It wasn't hard to figure out. Your methods are not very rich in diversity. 
Webb: *it's true he's basically out of his mind at the moment, he's just having a rare moment of calm instead of being manic* *but now he decides he's tired of talking so he lifts his hand and slams T'Pah against the wall before hitting her with force lightning repeatedly, waiting a few seconds between strikes for the pain to set in* 
T'Pah: *screams and squirms on the floor*
Webb: *this feels him with an attainable sense of peace, he can't control much right now but he can control someone else's pain* *keeps hitting her with the lightning until he thinks she might die if he does any more, and then picks her up with the force and throws her into the detention area* Goodbye. 
T'Pah: *once tossed into the detention area, keeps lying near the main door, too injured to drag herself away right then*
Molly: *not in much better shape herself, but curiosity is strong, and Molly finds T'Pah outside the door and summons the help of Kelsey and some of the other students to help get her into a bed to recover* 
T'Pah: *is helped into bed, in pain and out of it*

Roca: *is a 16 year old convert to the dark side, sitting in one of the rooms near the prison tract as some sort of guard – but really, what's there to take care of? They've lost their force sensitivity – and practices levitation with her newfound dark side skills. Why is being out of control and angry so hard? She has no bad feelings for these damn practice devices, so why won't they move already?!* Oooh, there we go. *grins appeasedly, and they fall back to the floor*
Molly: *makes sure she's not following anyone and finds a set of stairs going up and a long hallway that she sprints down to the end, searching for anything leading to a larger room or any sort of directions to a hanger where she could find something to fly* *throws open a door that looks promising, sees Roca, slams the door shut again and runs* 
Roca: *O.O* *huh, what... was that?* *red hair?! A girl? The one who cut of Fallan's leg, maybe? And out of the prison cell? Running?* *wait a second...* *jumps up, levitates her lightsaber into her hand and runs after Molly* Wait! You're not allowed to be here! *because that will help. That always helps!*
Molly: *swears under her breath and continues to sprint, taking turns at random and sacrificing seconds to check behind doors for stairways* 
Roca: *shoots a few force pushes Molly's way, but doesn't predict her random turns very well* Waiit! *gets closer and closer since Molly sacrifices seconds* 
Molly: *manages to dodge out pure luck at first, the last one sends her sprawling but she's on her feet again in seconds* *spots a stairway going up and takes it, leaping three stairs at a time* 
Roca: *reaches out to grab Molly's ankle with the force, but is too late and misses her again* Damn it! *gets angry, which is only convenient for her new ways* *shoots another force push at Molly, a stronger one this time* *sneers as she hopes it'll make Molly fall back down the stairs and land to her feet*
Molly: *just reaches the top of the stairs when she falls forward, landing on her hands and knees* *with a last burst of energy, drags herself up and gets through the door at the top of the stairs, slamming it just behind her and grabbing blindly for the nearest item, a chair, to jam under the handle to stop Roca* *turns around to find herself in a room with windows instead of walls, dotted with meditation pads and chairs* *the view outside the windows is a barren dessert of rock and sand with no other clues as to where they are* *stands there breathless for a second, her back to the door as her mind races over possible matches for the terrain out of the planets she knows* 
Roca: *reaches the room only seconds after, finding the handle blocked* *curses, then nothing happens for another approximately 20 seconds. Then the chair starts to tremble, as if by magic*
Molly: *whirls around when the chair starts to tremble and looks around for a weapon, finding none* *with a complete lack of options, grabs another chair and carries it to the side of the door, lifting it over her head with trembling arms so she can try to drop it on Roca's head* 
Roca: *manages to levitate – haha, practice pays off! - the chair away from the handle and pushes the door open. But she stays outside, looking for Molly* Where aaaare you? Come out, come out. *singsong*
Molly: *she isn't going to be able to hold up the chair very much longer, so she summons her strength and steps around into the doorway, dropping the chair in front of her and pushing forward with all her might to try and knock Roca down the stairs* 
Roca: Come out wherever you- uff! *is hit by the chair and stumbles back* Nasty little creep! *gathers her anger and aims a force push right back at Molly*
Molly: *was hoping to knock her down the stairs but no such luck, falling backwards at the Force push and catching herself on the edge of a table* *she sees no other exits out of this room, so she runs, trying to cross as much distance as she can just in case there are other clues either in the room or out the windows* 
Roca: *doesn't want to let her out exactly to prevent her from finding any more clues, so she concentrates on another force push to block the door and tries to quickly step inside* Not like this, young lady!
Molly: *thinks she spots something out the window and stops at the glass, gazing out into the desert to try and figure out what it is* 
Roca: *closes the door behind them and brings the chair back in place (apparently she doesn't have a key, and she thinks this will hold Molly up just long enough to catch up with her)* Think you can make it out there? *points at the window, closing up to Molly*
Molly: *turns around to face Roca, heart racing* Sure, why not? I'm a fast runner. 
Roca: Are you also a bantha? You will die of thirst.
Molly: I'll just grab a few bottles of water before I go. *projecting far more bravado than she feels* 
Roca: And I'll just grab you before you go. *smirks, lifting her up just a few inches from the floor, then reaches for Molly's throat with the force, but not choking her... yet*
Molly: *she's not near enough to kick out but Molly does anyway when she's lifted off the floor, breath catching in her throat* Just torture a helpless kid, then! I'm sure that will make you feel good about yourself! 
Roca: You weren't that helpless when you attacked me. *dryly* What are you doing out of your cage, kid? 
Molly: The door was open. *gathers up some moisture in her mouth and spits at Roca, aiming for her face but will really be happy with anything* 
Roca: The door was op- *is spit at. Is honestly and really spit at!* *snarls* How /dare/ you? *crooks her fingers to support her force choking* It was a mistake to let you breathe! *glares*
Molly: *figured that was coming and takes a deep gulp of air before her throat closes off, choking and kicking her feet uselessly at Roca as the seconds tick by* 
Roca: *finds it difficult to keep Molly up and choking, which shows in her face, but she isn't ready to let go yet*
Molly: *doesn't really notice Roca's face, darkness is starting to creep into the edges of her vision and her kicking slows and then stops* 
Roca: *takes a deep breath as if she were the person choked and lets go of Molly, having her falling to the ground* *recovers quickly and steps onto her hair, grinning down at her* Hah! That'll teach you. *kicks her side with the other boot, not caring if she breaks a rib or two*
Molly: *doesn't have enough air in her lungs to cry out when Roca's boot connects with her side, hearing and feeling the crack of her own ribs* *tries to get up and is stopped by the boot on her hair, jerking her back down* *reaches out blindly to try and grab Roca's ankle* 
Roca: *is grabbed by the ankle* Hnh! *and now kicks after her hand* I'll kick your face in if you don't give up! *just wants to have her obey*
Molly: *the toe of Roca's boot connects with Molly's wrist and there's another snapping noise, and this time she has enough air in her lungs to scream, though it's cut short as her ribs protest* 
Roca: See? It'll be easy. Your nose will break, too. Just like that. *puts her boot – that's brine isn't exactly clean* over Molly's face to demonstrate. A few grains of sand tickle down*
Molly: *lies as still as she can, chest heaving with panicked breaths as she tries to categorize each pain* 
Roca: So? Have you had enough? 
Molly: *runs through her options, rolling out of the way is impossible with her ribs, talking back will get her nose broken, admitting she's had enough would be giving up, so the best option is clearly just to lie there and say nothing* 
Roca: *puts her foot down so that it touches Molly's nose* Mh? 
Molly: *gasps out* Stop. 
Roca: *stops, looking down almost surprised*
Molly: *it doesn't count as giving up if you're working an angle, right?* *puts some pleading into her voice* I give up. Please stop. *waiting for the boot to move just enough* 
Roca: *retreats her foot immediately* All right. Get up, I'll bring you back. 
Molly: I'll try. I'll try. *rolls to the side, wincing, and pushes herself up onto her knees with her hands* *pauses, pretending to gather her strength, and then lunges forward to grab at Roca's lightsaber with both hands* 
Roca: *extends a hand to help her up and is taken by surprise by Molly's attack* Wha-?! *walks backwards, seeing her lightsaber in Molly's hands* How /dare/ you?! *screams and shoots a force push at her, then another, reaching for Molly's throat once more* This time I won't have mercy!
Molly: *thumbs the ignition as soon as its in her hand, slashing wildly at Roca with no idea if she'll have success or not before the force pushes slam her hard against the window and the lightsaber drops from her fingers* *once again she knows she has no counter so she takes a deep gasp of air* 
Roca: *doesn't let go of Molly, breathing fiercely. Her pinky finger and the first two joints of the ring finger of Roca's left hand are lying on the floor, cleanly cut and burnt off* I will make you pay for this, bitch! *steps closer, slamming Molly against the window, still holding her by her throat*
Molly: *loses the lungful of air when Roca slams her against the window again, crying out as she deepens the cracks in her ribs* *the hand with the broken wrist dangles uselessly at her side, but she tries to reach out at Roca with the other, flailing for any sort of hit* 
Roca: *stays out of Molly's reach, using her own shock and anger to push her around between window and wall* I will teach you to never do that ever again! *screeches*
Molly: *tries to turn her shoulder into the blows as much as she can, though there's not really much maneuver possibility* *each time she hits it jars her broken bones and it's not long before she's crying, just trying to endure until Roca gets tired and stops* 
Roca: *gets tired, indeed* *wastes her energy quickly and uncontrollably until she can't hold her anymore and doesn't even mean to drop her, but loses her grip* *breathes heavily* That... *says it more to herself, looking slightly mad now* That will teach you! That will teach you. *still in abstate of shock*
Molly: *crumples to the floor and turns away from Roca, shielding her head with her arms and huddling against the wall defensively* *it hurts to much to get up and run, and she has nothing to say to Roca, so she does nothing* 
Roca: You will go back. *breathes* Now. /Now!/
Molly: *sobs out* I can't. I can't walk. 
Roca: *huffs* You should have thought of that earlier! *for the force's sake, she just wants to visit sickbay and get herself painkillers, why is Molly being so difficult?*
Molly: *doesn't know what else to do so she turns her face into the wall and cries* 
Roca: *doesn't really know what to do, either, and for a moment kicking Molly for it's all her fault seems absolutely tempting. But she knows it's no solution, and Molly actually doesn't deserve it* I will... I will get you back. I will get you back, you wait and see!
Molly: *this person is not making sense /at all/* Didn't- didn't you already? *muffled* 
Roca: *laughs* Does this look like your cell to you, missy? 
Molly: *thought she meant "I will get you back" as in "I will have my revenge"* *why is everything so confusing* *just decides to stop talking for now* 
Roca: *breathes in deeply a few times, then:* Very well. I just have to knock you out. Like this. *goes for her throat again* And if you die, if you suffocate, what does it matter? *but she's actually panicking: what if she suffocates?* Why do I even care?!
Molly: *doesn't want to die* *lashes out at Roca again* No! I'll walk, I'll walk by myself! *it might take her a week to get back downstairs, but that's preferable* 
Roca: *it actually is preferable* Good. Get up. And if you try anything, I'll cut off your head. With my... *oh, right, the lightsaber* *uses the force to have it fly into her hand*
Molly: *feels like that's a legitimate threat, seeing how she just took off two of Roca's fingers* *struggles to her feet, holding her ribs and stumbles towards the door, very slowly* 
Roca: *follows* Faster! I don't have all day. *activates the blue blade*
Molly: I'm /trying!/ *snaps back, though the lightsaber scares her* *makes it to the stairs and puts her good hand on the wall to help get down each step* 
Roca: Mhm. *doesn't get too close, but keeps a close eye on Molly while escorting her back*
Molly: *barely conscious by the time they make it back to the detention center, but she doesn't try to cause any trouble besides observing what she can* 
Roca: Hnh! *closes the door behind Molly, glad she doesn't have to investigate how she escaped and make sure that it doesn't happen again, but can have her wound treated, instead* *with her lightsaber turned off, she heads for sickbay*
Molly: *drags herself to her room and if Vekal's not there, takes the bottom bunk because she can't get to the top one*

Kelsey: *runs down the main hallway trying random doors until she finds another hall and chooses that door, going through it and moving down a little more cautiously this time, checking more and more doors to see what's behind them and find something useful*
[Some of the doors are locked, in others she finds bare rooms, and eventually she will find a room that looks like a training room, practice lightsabers stacked neatly on a far wall.]
Kelsey: *jackpot* *goes through the door and creeps over to the wall of lightsabers, checking for anyone else in the room as she goes* *at the wall, she takes one down and switches it on to test it*
[It emits a weak beam, nowhere near as powerful as a real lightsaber but it could basically zap someone.]
Kelsey: *good enough* *takes two of the sabers, one to hold and one to hide in her robes and continues out of the room and further down the hallway*
Harrad: *is one of the people working for the Sith, happens to be coming the opposite way when he sees one of the kiddos from the Academy come out of the room* Stop! Get back here! *picks up the pace, holding his hand out for a Force trip*
Kelsey: No! *runs, but is caught by the foot by his force powers and stumbles, falling into a forward roll and jumping to her feet, lightsaber in hand, blade extended*
Harrad: *starts drawing her closer with a Force pull* Now, what are you up to, little one? *she's going to try and fight him with a practice saber, awww that's cute*
Kelsey: *waves the blade around threateningly and digs her feet in as he pulls, working to look impressed at his power and scared at the same time* I am running away!
Harrad: *chuckles* Yeah, I noticed that. You won't get far with a training saber, though. *slowly coming closer, trying to look as menacing as he can as he unclips his lightsaber from his belt* And I really don't want to hurt you, so how's about you hand it over and come quietly?
Kelsey: *shakes her head in two small sharp shakes* *pitches her voice up about an octave and a half* I'll fight you. *eyes wide* I don't wanna go back, please do not make me go back! *wail*
Harrad: *siiiiiiighs, this is going to be annoying* Sorry kid, but you're gonna have to go back whether you like it or not. *stops the Force-drag and does a lift* I was /really/ hoping you wouldn't fight. I hate fighting kids. *sounds more bored than anything*
Kelsey: *struggles against his hold and sobs* I just wanted to get out. It is so lonely in there, you do not know what it is like.
Harrad: I don't get why it's lonely, we put you in there with your friends. Can't you play sabacc or something? *the crying has no effect on this guy* Or tell ghost stories? Or whatever kids do when they're left to themselves? *still hasn't ignited his lightsaber, but he's got it at the ready and he can ignite it in an instant*
Kelsey: I am a padawan. I have no friends. *swings her blade up at him, slashing it across at his chest*
Harrad: *hops back* Ah, yes. The Jedi detachment. No wonder you lot are so uptight. *ignites his saber* No social skills. *the force lift drops so rather than hanging five feet in the air, she's hanging three feet in the air*
Kelsey: Only to strangers who offer candy. My mother told me not to trust them. *brings her saber down to her side and turns the blade off*
Harrad: Smart. Still won't get you out of here. *doesn't turn off his blade, keeps it at his side* *comes to a halt, and rather than dropping Kelsey, he lifts her right back up again, this time to higher than before*
Kelsey: *takes this opportunity to turn the saber on again, quickly changing her grip and throwing it down at him like a spear* Let me go!
Harrad: *bats it aside with his saber* You /really/ want to get hurt, don't you? *just holds her up higher in response*
Kelsey: *squeaks* No. Just let go. I don't like this. *whine*
Harrad: *unceremoniously drops her on the ground, and Force-pins her*
Kelsey: *squeaks in surprise and crumples at his feet, not moving to resist* What will you do with me?
Harrad: Well, first we'll punish you for your little stunt. Then, depending on if you decide to take the smart option and join us or be stubborn, we /might/ put you back with your friends. *once she's pinned, he comes up next to her*
Kelsey: The door was open! I thought I could get away if I was fast, I just want to go home! *sobs again and curls herself up, hugging her arms around her midriff* Please do not hurt me.
Harrad: I'm sorry, we won't have much choice in the hurting department. But if you cooperate it'll hurt less.
Kelsey: *nods, sniffles* I will do what you want. I just want to go home.
Harrad: All right then. *deactivates his lightsaber and kneels, puts a knuckle under her chin and turns her head to face him if it isn't already* Tell me who opened the door. *for starters*
Kelsey: *looks at him blankly* * and yanks the other saber out of her robe and slashes it at him, turning it on mid-motion*
Harrad: *well that caught him off-guard and he gets a zap* *hops back, his hair standing on end (it's short but it'll still look funny), and re-igniting his lightsaber* *the zap also breaks his focus on the Force-pin* Damn it, this is why I hate kids! *goes in for the attack*
Kelsey: *rolls quickly to her feet and blocks his attack, both hands on the hilt of her saber, ducking under her raised saber*
Harrad: *his attack is blocked, but he goes for another attack* You'd think they'd have picked some less stubborn ones.... *grumbling*
Kelsey: *darts in close to him between attacks to make it harder to hit her, and kicks hard at his shin, using her saber to protect herself from any of his attacks*
Harrad: Ack! *is kicked, and once he recovers himself he aims a shove at Kelsey* Once I got you back in your cell, I'm gonna find that little twerp who got us you guys and kick his ass.
Kelsey: *right after kicking him, takes advantage of his pain and brings her lightsaber between his legs before she's shoved back, still with a death grip on her weapon*
Harrad: YEOWWWW! *voice pitches up a couple octaves but recovers once she's shoved away* *closes his hand to Force-pin her arms to her sides* The more I think of it, the better I think it'll just be better to use you as bait rather than turn you. *why must you be so stubborn*
Kelsey: *what an impressive recovery she was definitely expecting to inflict more pain* *is pinned, and retracts her lightsaber to protect her legs from the blade*
Harrad: *oh he's still in pain, but he's hiding it* *walks gingerly, though, considering where that saber hit* *force-lifts her so she's up on her tippy-toes* I think your masters would do just about anything to see you kids back in one piece. I wonder, would sending them a body part as a present make them more desperate? *not going to cut anything off, but he's feeling a little vindictive about the low blow*
Kelsey: *stares at him blankly* *and takes the weight off of her feet so he has to hold all of her up, kicking out at him with both heels*
Harrad: Oh fer... *slams her into a wall, and pins her arms and legs so she can't move them* I'm going to assume that you /won't/ switch sides and that we'll just have to use you as...convincing after all. One way or another, you'll be on our side.
Kelsey: I do not see how I will join you if you do not convince me. Maybe the Dark Side makes you less smart so you think this is a possibility.
Harrad: *comes up to her and relights his saber, and puts it under her chin, but doesn't touch her.* Tell me; are you angry right now?
Kelsey: *raises her chin up* I do not know the meaning of the word. Please, what is the translation in Coward?
Harrad: *just yells and gives her a slam to the side of her face with the butt of his saber* *this also causes him to lose focus on the pin so she falls to the ground, all free to run if she wants*
NPC: *panicking because of the escaped students, comes running out of a side hallway and runs into Harrad, knocking him over and accidentally pinning him there*
Harrad: *is knocked over and the saber goes flying* /Augh/!
[If Kelsey gets up and runs, at the end of the hallway she will find a small map of the facility on the wall, informing her that the hanger is only another hallway away]
Kelsey: *cries in real pain and scrambles to her feet, still holding on to her saber, grabs for the other one she dropped and runs away*
NPC: *tries to get off of Harrad and falls on top of him again instead* Sorry! Sorry! *is a seven foot tall very heavy alien*
Harrad: *is tangled with the idiot* Get /off/ you idiot! *shoves him off, or tries, because he's tall and heavy and flailing*
Kelsey: *hides both sabers in her robes and dashes down the hallway, stopping when she sees the map to figure out where she is and where areas of importance are*
[The map clearly highlights the important areas of the base, the hanger, the control center, and the detention area.]
Kelsey: *yesssss* *studies the map for a few seconds, making sure she knows at least where the hangar and detention center are before dashing on down the hallway away from Harrad*
NPC: *finally gets off of Harrad, still apologizing*
Harrad: *unfortunately by this time Kelsey is already running* *shoots the NPC a murderous glare before grabbing his commlink* We have escaped captives. One of them is in hallway [gives hallway number]. I'm in pursuit.
[Kelsey is rounded up by a squad of guards who take her lightsabers and pin her hands behind her back before marching her back to the detention area, or carrying her if she struggles.]
Kelsey: *struggles as much as possible* *there may be biting*
Guards: *literally throw her the detention area*
Harrad: *goes to tell his superiors about this mess and see how many more twerps are out*

Vaughn: *comes to what he hopes is a door that'll lead to some way to get a message out* *failing that, a way to the serum* *and failing that...something that he can break and hopefully draw attention away from the others*
[Vaughn finds a stairway leading down.]
Vaughn: *takes a breath and starts down the stairway, going fast but not fast enough to topple head-over-heels down the stairs* *listening as he goes, the adrenaline is keeping him alert*
[at the bottom of the stairway a door opens into what looks like a vacant basement room, dark and stretching out into unknown depths.]
Vaughn: *if there's one thing he's learned from holos, it's that dark and unknown rooms are not usually great places to go* *but the only other option is back up, so he takes his chances with the unknown depths and continues*
[If he keeps continuing on, the small light near the base of the stairs will fade and he will be in the dark.]
Vaughn: *despite his sense yelling "go back! Go back!" he continues, slowing his pace so he doesn't bump into anything and keeping near the wall, one hand on it so he knows where he is* *gulps, and tries to slow his breathing* *Please let there be something down here I can use please please please....*
Krampus: *as a burly 17 year old with a strong aggressive streak, it wasn't hard to bring him over to the Dark Side, and it was even easier to get him to help with the kidnap of those goody two-shoes who attend the Academy* *his brute strength distracts him from other duties though, because he must be ripped at all times* *to achieve this, he has found the basement and uses it as his own gym, doing many many pushups to achieve a chiseled physique* *his sanctum is interrupted by some twerp* *this twerp must die*
Vaughn: *it's dark and therefore does not see Krampus as he ventures unknowingly closer* *some less-than-rational part of his mind is hoping that there aren't any spiders or other creepy-crawlies down here, while the rest of his rational mind is telling that little part to shut the hell up*
[The basement is walled off about halfway through and when Vaughn manages to slip through the doorway he will find himself in the Krampus Gym]
Vaughn: *takes a breath, gulps, then takes a breath again before peeking around the doorway, seeing what's on the other side before slipping the rest of him through* *if it's nothing useful or Bad Stuff he'll high-tail it outta there and back upstairs and pick another door*
Krampus: *the negligible amount of light he has in his personal dark gym is blocked by some personage with so much fear he can smell it* *stops mid-pushup and stands quietly* Who's there. *suspicious tones in his deep rumbly voice*
Vaughn: *cuts off the small "meep" sound in his throat before it comes out of his mouth* *Okay Bad Stuff is ahead I'm outta here* *starts creeping back the way he came* *please don't come after me, I like being intact*
Krampus: *doesn't like shadows that don't answer him* *strides forward towards the door and the silent scared shadow* I said who's there! *turns on the lantern he brings down with him and throws it through the doorway to give himself more light*
Vaughn: *ohshit* *the lantern will reveal a quite-scared teenage Vaughn* *but only for a moment as when the lantern is thrown he goes into an all-out sprint back to the stairs, not caring about whether or not he'll bump into anything because that guy sounds PISSED*
Krampus: *thanks to his dedication to not skipping leg day, Krampus is well able to keep up with Vaughn and even catch up to him, lunging at him in a tackle when he's close enough to catch him*
Vaughn: *yells when he's tackled* Get off! Get offa me! *starts kicking and punching*
Krampus: *brings him down to the ground, letting his whole weight rest on Vaughn* Now isn't this interesting. Someone /was/ there after all.
Vaughn: *growls* Get off! Get OFF! *tries to get an elbow in Krampus's face*
Krampus: *bro you're tackled nice try* *pins all of Vaughn's limbs and then rearranges himself so he's sitting on Vaughn's back* So tell me, what are you doing down here, interrupting my privacy, hm?
Vaughn: *makes an inarticulate groan/growling sound when Krampus decides he's a seat cushion* If I'd known /you/ were down here I'd have gone another direction.
Krampus: You should have thought about that before you ventured into the dark by yourself. *menacingly* Haven't you ever heard of monsters?
Vaughn: *grumbles* Yeah. I got one sitting on me. *can you /please/ get off, you're heavy*
Krampus: Oooh, give the gentleman a point. 
Vaughn: *at least he didn't call you short* Just a question; d'you mind getting /off/? It's getting a little hard to breathe. *tries kicking his legs up behind him, even though it probably won't work*
Krampus: *unless Vaughn is a graceful ballerina who can bring his legs to his head, very little effect is made* *he doesn't mind a few kicks* You know, that's a pretty decent idea. *swivels so he has a knee on Vaughn's back and then moves the rest of himself off* I like how you think, kid. *grabs for both of Vaughn's hands to pin them behind his back*
Vaughn: *is in no way a graceful ballerina* *grunts at the knee, and in response to the grab attempt he tries moving his arms out of the way* What do you jerks /want/ with us? *doesn't stop a little fear getting into his voice because he's afraid of what Krampus could do to him*
Krampus: *could squash him like a grape* *follows Vaughn's arms with his hands until he has a hold of them and then holds them together behind Vaughn's back* *once that is accomplished, he removes his knee* Well. I don't know about the /rest/ of them. But I could use a little bit of fun. Relaxation at the end of the day, yanno?
Vaughn: I don't know about you, but being pinned to the floor by a meathead isn't my idea of relaxation. *attempts to kick out at Krampus* *Smart idea, dude; piss off the dark side guy who could probably force-slam you into goo*
Krampus: Whoa now kid, calm down. *twists one of Vaughn's arms behind his back painfully* You don't wanna get hurt.
Vaughn: *cries out, ouch that hurt* Like you'd try and avoid it. *keep strong dude, he'll have to get bored with you sometime, right?*
Krampus: Well now, that all depends on you doesn't it? You'll notice, all the pain I've caused has had an instigation from you. *pulls Vaughn to his feet*
Vaughn: *lets himself be pulled, and once he's up he'll try to bodyslam Krampus backwards* *yells at the top of his lungs as he does so, hopefully his voice will carry up the stairs and attract attention from the others* *KNOWS he'll regret it later, but hey; at least it'll improve the others' chances*
Krampus: *is too close to Vaughn for any sort of bodyslam to ever work, especially while he's holding onto his prisoner's hands* *steps to the side, keeping one foot behind Vaughn's legs, and pushes on Vaughn's chest with a hand, letting go of Vaughn's wrists with the others* You don't learn that fast, huh.
Vaughn: *O-o is shoved and falls unceremoniously* *scrambles up as he speaks* I like to call it being stubborn. *looks around in the dim light, is there something he can whack this guy with*
[Along the wall Vauhgn might see some stacked exercise equipment, including some weights.]
Krampus: I'd like to call it foolish. *does nothing at the moment, confident in his ability to catch Vaughn again*
Vaughn: *weights, that'll do something* *runs for the weights, going to try and get one so he can throw it at Krampus's knees or shoulder or head or something*
Krampus: *walks casually after Vaughn and uses the force to hold him back by the chest briefly mid-stride and then lets him go just as quickly*
Vaughn: *makes an "errg" sound when he's held back, but when he's let go he falls forward, crashing face-first into the weights and breaks his nose* *puts a hand to the now-bloody part of his face and starts trying to extricate himself from the mess and get a hold on one of the weights at the same time* What do you want with us? *going to try and make another attempt at getting some information out of this guy*
Krampus: Me? I'm just here for the fun of it. *shrugs, still walking casually towards him*
Vaughn: *holding one hand to his bloodied face, has what he judges is a heavy enough weight in his other hand behind him* I'b guessing pard of that "fun" includes beating up on kids, huh? *once extricated, he'll start moving along the wall, going for the stairs again*
Krampus: Well. That certainly doesn't make it /less/ fun.
Vaughn: Your sense of fun is broken. *moving sideways along the wall, gonna sprint once he gets to that door* *glances towards it and back to Krampus again from time to time*
Krampus: *keeps following* I think it's in perfect working order.
Vaughn: I don't. *once close enough to the door, he bolts*
Krampus: *that's very clear* *runs after him, letting him get a head start just for fun*
Vaughn: *using the boost from the adrenaline to keep the sprint going* *gotta get away, gotta get to some place with computer, gotta get a message back to Coruscant, gotta get outta here*
Krampus: *follows, switching into a jog to keep up, just to see where this boy ends up going before he destroys him*
[If Vaughn gets up the stairs and decides to take the door immediately to his right, he'll find a console room with all the consoles locked by passwords.]
Vaughn: *takes the first door he sees, which is the one on the right* *enters and slams it behind him, and goes for the console to try and compose some sort of "HELP" message* *lets out a small sound when he sees they're passworded* *there's no way Krampus just went back to his workout so he does Option 2: gets behind the consoles and starts disconnecting all the wires*
[The consoles start to spark and sputter, he might electrocute himself.]
Vaughn: *o-o electrocution nuuu* *goes about this a little more gingerly; where's the power cords, gonna disconnect/smash them first*
[If he finds the thicker cord going into the wall and disconnects it the consoles power down with a sad "woo" sound]
Krampus: *follows up the stairs and, not seeing him down the hall, begins opening doors, starting with the left and then the right* *grins* There you are.
Vaughn: *yanks the thick cord right as Krampus enters* *doesn't respond, except to take up the weight and start crushing the hell outta that power cord* *when he's done with that, he's going to start on either the consoles of Krampus, whichever he deems to be the priority*
Krampus: So. Vandal, is it? Who knew you'd have it in you? *raises his hand and pulls the weight from Vaughn to himself through the force*
Vaughn: Hey! *takes the bloody hand off his face so he can grip the weight better, and strains against the force-pull* *Force-users have an unfair advantage!* *digs his heels in*
Krampus: *rolls his eyes and keeps pulling, moving towards Vaughn*
Vaughn: *decides that a loss of the weight is preferable to having his face smashed more, so he lets go of it and starts yanking on the power cord, intending to disconnect it from the console entirely*
Krampus: *lets the weight travel partway to him, then sends it back towards Vaughn, sped up on a collision course*
[If he has time, the cord disconnects in another shower of sparks. It does nothing, because he already disconnected it from the wall.]
Vaughn: *gives the cord a hearty YANK, and it disconnects and he dances back from the sparks* *sadly wasn't paying attention to the weight, because it slams /hard/ into his shoulder with an audible crack* *he screams, and grabs at his now-broken shoulder, in tears because holy shit that hurts like /hell/*
Krampus: *that was easy* *moves up to Vaughn now and grabs him by the injured shoulder, all ready to propel him out of the room and back to the holding area* I hope you had fun. *squeezes his shoulder*
Vaughn: *yells again* N-no, I didn't! *tries stomping on Krampus's foot*
Krampus: *ignores his foot being stomped on* Well, I did. I don't know why you keep yelling though. No one will hear you except more of my crewmen. *starts pushing Vaughn out of the room*
Vaughn: *well, that was the plan* *would say something, but he whimpers as the pushing jostles his broken shoulder more, causing more pain*
[If Krampus takes Vaughn back to the detention area they will find the door repaired, welded back together.]
Krampus: *does just that* Oh look. Home sweet home.
Vaughn: *is in pain an in tears* *decides to do one last act of rebellion and tries to shove Krampus away* Fuck you!
Krampus: *laughs* You're not my type. *shoves Vaughn roughly into the detention center and shuts the door behind him*
Vaughn: *cries out in pain at the shove and ends up landing on the wounded shoulder* *well, he certainly found out that Krampus is an angry SOB* *but hopefully they'll need some time to fix the computer so that's a start* *gets himself into a sitting position and sits there for a while, in pain and tired*

Jeanne: *Well now is basically going to try to move as swiftly and silently as possible and gently find another door that leads to another hallway* 
[It takes several doors and several hallways but if she moves quickly and quietly enough she will find a locked door labeled "ARMORY"]
Jeanne: *That is indeed what she is doing, not quite ready to be acting as a distraction quite yet* *sees the armory door* *Bingo!* *She is about to open it but pauses and carefully puts her ear up to the door to make sure no one is in there*
[If the room does hold any occupants, they're not conversing because the door is entirely quiet.]
Jeanne: *She look around for a nearby panel that could unlock the door. She hasn't really had much experience with this stuff, but she's willing to give it a shot.* *That and some subconscious star fleet training is getting activated* *She takes the panel off and starts fiddling with some of the obviously colored wires, hoping they are connected to the door*
[The blast doors close]
Jeanne: *Makes the Han solo face*
Logs continued here

Molly: *drags herself into her room after Roca puts her back in the detention area, aiming blindly for the bottom bunk and hoping Vekal's not in it because there's no way she's going to be able to climb up to the top*
Vekal: *on her bunk, and napping, so she doesn't hear Molly come in*
Molly: *can't focus enough to check the bottom bunk so she just tries to climb into it, sort of falling in the process* *she just wants to lie down* *everything hurts*
Vekal: *squawks and would push against the unknown intruder but she's on her stomach so she can only try to twist out from under The Other awkwardly and hastily*
Logs continued here
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