
Daily Logs 11-18-15

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I. Sarin checks on Arra
II. Jalen and Fallan meet for reals

Arra: *lying in the cargo bay set aside for recovery, the pain has passed, but she's too tired and sore to do anything of use right now* *so she's just kind of... lying there*
Sarin: *She's come to see Arra, and she comes bearing food. She doesn't know what Arra likes, so she made an effort to choose a Terellian dish. She approaches Arra's cot,* Good evening. You are doing better?
Arra: *eyes flicker open* Hnn...? Ah- *sees Sarin* I think so... I am not... Infected... Any more. Or it doesn't feel like it. *Sarin keeps talking to her in standard so standard it is I guess*
Sarin: *Sits by her.* Are you well enough to keep food down?
Arra: *sits up, using her back arms for leverage* I... I think so. *looking at the dish*
Sarin: *It's a Terellian dish. Sarin tried to do some research on common comfort foods that are also healthy. She offers it to Arra.*
Arra: Mm- Thank you... *takes the dish and starts eating* *part of the way through she looks up again* I have been wondering something...
Sarin: Yes?
Arra: I can speak your language... But you talk to me in standard?
Sarin: Standard has words that Vulcan does not. In truth, I came here to speak to you about yesterday. I wanted to know how you were feeling.
Arra: I... *looks down* Just a bad experience.
Sarin: Would you like to speak about it? *trying to sound kinder and gentler. She's getting better*
Arra: I... Just no what it is like to receive that. *:I*
Sarin: You know what it is like to recieve what? *Very patient. She does sound like a little tiny mom*
Arra: Of... Some of the things I did to others... *puts the dish aside* *no longer hungry*
Arra: *for reasons*
Sarin: Am I correct in guessing this is about the Occupation?
Arra: ...Yes.
Sarin: Are you comfortable speaking about your experiences?
Arra: It is not a time I like to remember. I even had the scars removed...
Sarin: That is fair. But, for lack of better phrasing, I am worried about you.
Arra: *brings her knees up* I may regret asking this but... May I ask why?
Sarin: I worry you may be suffering from a deeper kind of scar, emotional scars that aren't removed as easily as physical ones. When I found you, you seemed to be having an...episode, of some kind, maybe a flash back.
Arra: I... The infection made me... do things. It made me... want to... *her voice started getting shaky* It made me want to hurt them like I was... It was horrible...
Sarin: *soft voice* I understand. *She reaches her hand out, as if to ask if she'd like to hold her hand*
Arra: *pauses and looks at Sarin, speaking kind of quietly* You do?
Sarin: I do. *Very earnest look on her face*
Arra: I had no idea...
Sarin: *Takes Arra's hand. She's wearing gloves. She squezes her hand* You will be alright. You will find your way out of this, and you will heal. This won't be your life forever.
Arra: It... It is not, I have left it behind, it's gone, back in the sands where they started.
Sarin: You are still hurting though, are you not?
Arra: I... It is rare... 
Sarin: Is it?
Arra: ...Yes. *maybe?*
Sarin: *Squeezes her hand.* For those moments that you do find yourself overwhelmed with thoughts or memories, I will be here for you.
Arra: I do not know what you could do... Only the Element's blessings can undo my poisoned world.
Sarin: *She smiles.* I do not mean to offend you Arra, but that is where you are wrong.
Arra: What... What do you mean?
Sarin: It can take great effort, but you can heal on your own. I can help heal you. That is what I do for a living, after all, and you aren't the first Occupation survivor I've counseled either.
Arra: *is taken by surprise* I... I am not?
Sarin: No. The Occupation is such a traumatic event on the conciousness of Terellians as a whole. Many come to counselors with something called PTSD. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Arra: *looks off* That... Makes sense. I have not seen any Terellians other than those on Efros, I guess... I was surprised. *looks back* It is good though... I may consider your offer...
Sarin: *She smiles.* If it makes you comfortable, I can come to your quarters instead of inviting you to my office. I would like to help you. I'll do what I can to make this comfortable for you.
Arra: *thinks about that* Maybe... Maybe if it might or does happen again?
Sarin: Do you want to wait until it happens again for me to help you? I don't mean to scare you, but I also do not want to see someone has written a report declaring you unfit for duty either.
Arra: It has not happened so far. I was okay aboard the Nebuchadnezzar...
Sarin: This is the Legacy, not the Nebuchadnezzar. *Who the hell names these ships* Very strange things happen aboard this ship without explanation.
Arra: *pauses* I do think it is better for me to wait... *isn't budging on that*
Sarin: You are free to come by just to talk, if you like then. Between appointments, I am alone and usually not too busy. *A lie, she is 'busy' but she can usually put whatever she's doing off until later*
Arra: I... Okay, if it comes up again I will see you I guess...
Sarin: Of course. Are you done with your food?
Arra: *looks at the half-eaten thing* Ah... Yes, thank you.
Sarin: *Takes the plate* I will recycle it. You are comfortable here, you do not need another blanket or pillow?
Arra: I have slept on worse, I will be fine.
Sarin: Have a good evening, Arra. *She smiles a little, gets up, and off she goes. The smile drops the second Arra can't see her face*
Arra: Good evening... *lays back down when Sarin leaves*

Jalen: *fully recovered, visiting sickbay for a final checkup, sees Fallan and walks over to him*
Fallan: *Frowns at Jalen, doesn't really remember him.* I'm not a doctor, I'm not going to heal you. *GRUMP*
Jalen: *smirks* I'm aware of that. I wanted to meet you now that you're uninfected.
Fallan: Meet me? Do I know you? *He bristles a little and holds the cane with a tight grip.* You're not an intern are you?
Jalen: *shakes his head* I just returned to this ship. I met you when you were infected.
Fallan: *Squints* You did?
Jalen: *nods* Yes, I did.
Fallan: Well. I don't remember you very much. *uncomfortable now. HE shifts and cringes when he hurts his hip* Well, I hope I didn't hurt you.
Jalen: *shakes his head* I'm fine, don't worry about me.
Fallan: You're sure? I can be...agressive. *He's a big grumpy guy, but he was pretty calm as a zombie breeding ground*
Jalen: You were. *pauses* But as you can see now, *gestures at his body* I'm fine.
Fallan: *He looks him over.* You are fine. *He nods. Shit, wait, stop flirting. You're old.* Anyways, it's good to meet you. I'm Fallan.
Jalen: *grins and outstretches his hand* I'm Jalen Hol.
Fallan: *Reaches out to shake his hand.* Well. Good to meet you, Jalen Hol.
Jalen: *smiles* And you too.
Fallan: *He nods again, and then he's uncomfortable* came here just to speak to me, or did you need a nurse? They're mostly busy right now.
Jalen: I'm here for my final check-up, but, I do want to talk to you now.
Fallan: Well, there is a nurse. I haven't seen anyone else, and she's supposed to be looking over my test results. *Harrumphs. The mustache flutters in the wind. Majestic.* I think my hip's out of alignment...
You're lucky that's all, you seemed much worse when I saw you last.
Fallan: I don't feel lucky. *Guess who's a bitchpants today? It Fallan.
Jalen: *sighs* Feel however you want, you certainly /seem/ better.
Fallan: I'm walking with a cane! *Realizes Jalen might not have ever seen him without a cane.* I don't normally do that. I usually walk and run just fine.
Jalen: *nods* Ah. Well... it's not permanent, is it?
Fallan: I hope not. that's what I'm trying to find out. I just got it replaced! *grumbles, mostly about quack doctors on vacation planets*
Jalen: *chuckles* I'm sure it's going to be fine.
Fallan: *Gosh he hates optimism. No he doesn't, he's just mad. He just sighs instead.* Sure. *Awkward pause, taps the cane on the floor.*
Jalen: *awkward* ...How long have you been onboard this ship?
Fallan: ... *Strokes the 'stache* ...A year now? *Oh no his birthday is coming up.*
Jalen: *chuckles* We must have just missed each other, then. I was transferred off this ship a year ago.
Fallan: Yes, we must've missed each other. I don't remember your name.
Jalen: My name's Jalen. *grins, clearly joking*
Fallan: *Frowns deeply at him.* That's not funny. *It actually kind of was*
Jalen: *shakes his head* I actually thought it was hilarious. *grins*
Fallan: I'm sure you did. *He starts standing up. He makes faces, but doesn't make a sound. He's in pain though.* I'm going to go find the nurse. She shouldn't be taking this long. Good evening to you Jalen.
Jalen: *smiles* And you too, Fallan.
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