
Daily Logs 10-5-13

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

I. Lia (Leliana) gets Zef to add another holoprogram to the database
II. And then she meets Essa
III. So Close: Tivir and Shir almost have a serious talk…almost…
IV. Safety First: Vekal requires shoes of Rita
V. Lia meets Eoin
VI. Lana becomes Rita’s outlet
VII. Healing: An angry Terrence shows Naara what her father’s side of the story may have been

Lia: *is patrolling near Engineering for the first time and decides to take a little tour since things are slow*
Zef: *on his way to Engineering, because shift is about to start before long*
Lia: *wanders slowly among the consoles, looking at their displays for anything she might recognize*
Zef: *enters Engineering. Is a bit early, but never mind* *also walks among the consoles, on his way to his* *discovers Lia, but doesn't realize at once that she's no Engineer, because her uniform is so similar to his* ...?
Lia: *turns when she hears someone approach and smiles* Hello!
Zef: Hey. *blinks* Oh. I thought you're another Engineer. *points briefly to her collar* And so I was about to ask if you're new, or if I haven't seen you around because you're always on a different shift.
Lia: Lieutenant, junior grade, Leliana Fehd. Security. I just joined the crew last week. *extends her hand*
Zef: *takes her hand* Ensign Zefram Sanders, Engineering.. obviously. Welcome aboard, Sir.
Lia: Thank you. *smiles* What can you tell me about engineering? As part of the security program, we only covered tactical engineering and the necessaries in order to field strip a phaser.
Zef: Mhhh.. *lifts a brow* What do you want to know?
Lia: Anything really *makes a somewhat anxious face: Lia, you suck at small talk* Like, how is power flow prioritized in different situations the ship is likely to encounter?
Zef: *oh gawd and shift hasn't even started! .__.* Ohhh... all right. Follow me. I can show you. *heads the rest of the way to his console, meanwhile trying to think about the question*
Lia: *follows Zef to his console*
Zef: *logs in silently and tabs the touch screen a few times, aiming for the power control menus* So... I think what you're most interested in are emergency scenarios?
Lia: *smirks* How did you guess?
Zef: Mh. I'm a genius. I know things. *said dryly, but is honestly very nervous on the inside* *tab tab* There. Emergency programs. Of course... the energy flow is often directed via manual commands when it comes to grave emergencies, where some of these standard programs are or might be affected...
Lia: *leans on the back of Zef's chair to study the diagrams* Okay...*understands none of them* How about something more simple? *fishes in a pocket for a memory chip* *offers it to Zef* Could you help me install this in the holodeck memory core?
Zef: Oh-kay..? *takes the chip* ... what is this? I mean what kind of program?
Lia: *smile* It's a personal combat training program.
Zef: Ah, all right. *nods* Just let me check it first thing. *tabs on the console, opening some kind of virtual box, that's separate from the Legacy's running system*
Lia: *tilts her head, regarding Zef with scrutiny* Check it for what?
Zef: Well, I have no X-ray vision, Sir. It's a standard routine for new files. *and besides something I think I can do* *puts the chip in a slot and starts running the check ups* After this, it can be uploaded to the database.
Lia: *nods, not masking her expression of approval* Very well. Will it take long?
Zef: I... don't think so. *tab tab* ... What exactly is the program about?
Lia: It's a collection of martial combat exercises I've collected so far. When I'm unable to find a physical opponent of like or greater skill, I have to use a simulated opponent.
Zef: And is it hard for you to find an opponent of like or greater skill? *faces her, while the routine check up is running and doesn't need his attention*
Lia: Not usually. On Starbase One and even at the Academy, there were always people to test my skills. I brought the program to fall back on just in case.
Zef: *slight grin* Ah, I see. Mh, do you mind if others use your program?
Lia: Of course not. Everyone should learn a form of martial combat at least once in their life. The program has beginner level training as well.
Zef: Okay. So I can move it to the right section. *and will keep it mind for meeting with T'Pah* *faces the console again as it indicates that the check up is done* Ah, it's finished. And okay. *mumbles* Not... that I expected anything else. So, now... *tabs*
Lia: *nods* Good...What was that last part?
Zef: Mh? ... Oh. I just said that it's done and I'm going to install it to the holo-database... *glances around, kinda searching for a programmer, but not really sure if he could have someone else for the task now without looking too stupid himself*
Lia: *arches an eyebrow at Zef* oh, all right.
Zef: *sighs quietly when giving up his search, facing the screen again, tabbing* I tend to speak lower when I'm concentrated. *and nervous, darn* *begins installing, because he figured that the amount of data is small enough to keep the holodecks online during the procedure*
Lia: So you speak louder when diluted then? *lip quiver*
Zef: I speak louder when I want people to understand what I'm saying. *slight smile*
Lia: Hmm...I wouldn't suggest that tactic around superior officers too often.
Zef: Oh... it's not really something I do on purpose. I meant no offence, Sir. *...*
Lia: *laughs lightly* It's all right. I was only offering a suggestion.
Zef: Ah. Well, I'll keep it mind then. *stops tabbing, as the installation routine began running and there is just a bar to be watched filling*
Lia: *looks around* How long have you been in Starfleet?
Zef: I only graduated this year. *faces Lia* So not for long.
Lia: What did you do before?
Zef: School. And the Academy of course. *yeah I really took that long*
Lia: And the Legacy is your first posting?
Zef: *nods* Yes...
Lia: Is something wrong?
Zef: ..! *shakes his head* No. Actually not. *sideglances at the console, but as the installation is not done yet, he faces Lia again* What about you Sir, if I may return the question?
Lia: Which question?
Zef: I don't think that the Legacy is your first posting. So... what did you do before? If I may ask, that is.
Lia: I was a security officer on Starbase One for 4 years.
Zef: *nod* Ah, I see. *short pause* I've been to Starbase One once or twice. *glances at the screen again*
Lia: *forced smile* *please don't say "I wonder why I never saw you before"*
Zef: Well... the erm... installation is almost complete. *bar shows about 98% done*
Lia: *inner sigh of relief* Ah! That's good. Though it's taking a bit longer than I expected *laughs*
Zef: It's a holodeck program. That... was actually really quick. *when the bar shows 100%, he pulls the chip out of the slot*
Lia: So it's all ready then? *opens her hand for the chip*
Zef: *gives her the chip* I'll do another check, but it should be ready, yes. *I hope, like... really!!*
Lia: *smile* Thank you, ensign. See you around! *turns and leaves Engineering*
Zef: You're welcome, Lieutenant. See you. *continues his shift, because meanwhile it has surely started*

Lia:  *has resumed her patrol and is nearing the security offices*
Essa:  *coming from the opposite direction with her hands folded behind her back, does an about-face when she gets to Lia and falls into step next to her*
Lia:  *slows her step, recognizing Essa from the messages she received concerning the new security commanders* Sir.
Essa:  Lieutenant! Enjoying yourself?
Lia:  I...*caught off guard by the question* I suppose so, sir. My patrol has been rather quiet.
Essa:  Is that good or bad?
Lia:  Both, sir. Good in that there's nothing that requires our attention, but bad in that the peace could lull us into dropping our guard.
Essa:  Then don't drop your guard. *taps a finger against her temple* Run through something in your head that will keep you alert.
Lia:  Like my kangaroo rats escaping? *worry*
Essa:  *glances at her* Pets? Will that keep you alert, or cloud your judgment with sentiment?
Lia:  Given that they are old, probably cloud my judgement...*continues walking*
Essa:  Then something else. I don't suppose you like the multiplication table?
Lia:  *giggles* Not exactly, sir.
Essa:  *grins* Perfect!
Lia:  Perfect?
Essa:  If you don't like it, there's no risk of sentimentality, but it will keep your brain running.
Lia:  Sir, I think using math to keep my mind alert would distract me too much from any situations that may arise.
Essa:  *shakes her head* I'm not deciding for you.
Lia:  A wise choice...*walks in silence for a while* Have you any orders for me, sir?
Essa:  I don't give orders yet. I'm just integrating. *tips her chin up in a nod* Lieutenant Commander Frein Essa.
Lia:  *salutes* Lieutenant Junior Grade Leliana Fehd, sir.
Essa:  How do you like your duties?
Lia:  They're very similar to my duties on Starbase One, but certainly less intense in the few days I've been here.
Essa:  Oh! Then I'd just as soon ask you about your hobbies and leave the Legacy anecdotes to veteran officers.
Lia:  *three previous lifetimes doesn't make me a veteran...okay no it doesn't* *smiles* What would you like to know, sir?
Essa:  You said kangaroo rats? A Terran animal.
Lia:  yes, sir. I got them as a graduation present of sorts when I left Earth to serve on Starbase One.
Essa:  Friend? Professor?
Lia:  Friends, sir. They were being assigned elsewhere.
Essa:  *grins, because friends are good* Where are they? How are they?
Lia:  One is serving aboard the Potemkin. She is well. We last spoke a couple months ago. The other is serving on a science vessel somewhere near the Rigelian system. I think the mission was somewhat classified. We haven't spoken since graduation.
Essa:  *raises an eyebrow at Lia while they walk* No need to be stiff and formal, you can just tell your stories.
Lia:  There's not much to tell, sir. We all live and work so far from each other that our friendships have lessened somewhat as we gain new friends in the service.
Essa:  By all accounts, this is a good environment for new friendships.
Lia:  *nods* I've heard that myself.
Essa:  *grin* Carry on, Lieutenant, I've posed a distraction long enough.
Lia:  *smiles pleasantly and salutes once more* Thank you, sir. Have a good day.
Essa:  *turns back to the way she was going before and heads off, considering the conversation satisfactorily ended*
Lia:  *resumes her patrol*

Tivir: *In a Rec Room, sitting on one of those couches that try to eat you when you sit in them, video game controller in hand as he idly flicks through a few menus on a large screen*
Shir: *after a few minutes wanders into the same rec room, scanning the room briefly before seeing Tivir (being eaten by the couch) and smiles, walking over* Hey love.
Tivir: *Looks up, a little preocupied* Hey.
Shir: *goes to sit down next to him* What are you doing? *looks up at the screen*
Tivir: *Shrugs* Just some thinking... *Soft smile* And trying to take my mind off thinking by playing some mindless violence. Wanna join?
Shir: Well I'm not very good at mindless violence but I can give it a go. *goes to get another controller* But um, what is it you've been thinking about?
Tivir: *Looks at his controller* Uh... Future stuff, mainly... *Looks at screen* "Trophy of Valour"? Or "Tholian Death Pwn"?
Shir: Uh... *shrugs* The Tholian one? *stopped playing computer games a few years back, isn't so good with them now* Future stuff? Anything specifically?
Tivir: *Selects* Well... Erik kinda spoke to me yesterday... Co-op or competitive?
Shir: Co-op, please. What did Erik say?
Tivir: *Selects* And... Foundry, and standart timed, I think... *Selects level and settings* He... Asked me about my goals...
Shir: Career wise I take it? *can't imagine Erik asking about any other type of goals* What /are/ your goals exactly? *feels bad suddenly, since he'd never actually asked before*
Tivir: *Sighs* That's kinda it... I've not really ever had any. "Do Xenolinguistics" was all I really had...
Shir: Well do you want more than that? I mean, as you satisfied with that or do you want to do more? Or is that what you're thinking about? *remembers the game* Or rather, what you were trying /not/ to think about.
Tivir: *Level starts* Well, he was all on about how he's got everything planned out, like he wants to go do a doctorate and go into academia or teaching... And I've never had anything like that planned... *Sheepishly* Should I have?
Shir: *half concentrating on game, but honestly is more focused and interested in their conversation* *shrugs* I don't know. I mean, my goal was to join Starfleet and become a doctor. After that, I didn't really plan too far ahead. So, maybe some people are just different?
Tivir: Maybe... *Shoots a Tholian* ...He asked if I wanted to end up in charge of the department... Or a department, at any rate... Health drop is over to the left, by the way... *Leans back* I mean, that week I was in charge was one of the most angsty and stressful weeks i've ever had... *Smiles* And apparently I was very good at it, he says...
Shir: Oh, right. *didn't see the health drop, Shir is so rubbish!* Wow really? That's good to hear. At least now you know all that stress was worth it. *smiles* So, do you want to be department head at some point?
Tivir: *Takes cover in game* I'm... I'm not sure really... Do you?
Shir: Do I what?
Tivir: Well, do you want to be Cheif Medical Officer of the Legacy someday? Or of some other starship or starbase?
Shir: *thinks for a second* Well... I don't know.
Tivir: Well... I'm just starting to wonder, that's all...
Shir: Well, whatever you decide, so long as it's what you want and it makes you happy, then I'm happy.
Tivir: *Smiles* I just don't know what to decide... *Softly* And... Maybe I should have plans fo-|MOTHER OF ANDORIAN DEITY|!!! *Dodges tholians*
Shir: *jumps a little at that random and sudden yell from Tivir* *oh yeah, game! game!* What was that?
Tivir: Some kind of Tholian tank-class or something!
Shir: No I mean what were you going to say before you screamed bloody murder.
Tivir: *Eyes widen* Oh! I... *Awkward...* I was saying... Maybe I should decide other things I want from my future...
Shir: Oh? *a lot more interested in this conversation than the silly game!*
Tivir: *Trying to focus on game to stave off emaressment* I mean... Uh... Well, you know what I mean...
Shir: You mean us- *does something surprisingly awesome in the game because I say so* Cool, I did something good! *pleased with himself!*
Tivir: *Smiles* Yeah.
Shir: *smiles back with a tiny bit of redness to his cheeks, bashful* To be honest I've already been thinking that too.
Tivir: *O-o* You have?
Shir: Well... a little bit, yeah. *a bit embarrassed now, but thankfully for him gets commed away to sickbay* Sorry love, got to go.
Tivir: *Smiles* It's ok. Well talk later, ok?
Shir: *nods* Sure. *leans down to kiss Tivir's head, if he'll let him* See you later.
Tivir: *Lets him*
And then Shir left and Tivir was left awkwardly hanging after his lovely lead-up to the conversation.

Vekal: *is in the lab, leaning over a console which is running a simulation*
Rita:  *Enters the Lab, holding a container full of viles. Looks around and sees Vekal then heads towards her* Hey, here's some fresh samples, where shall I put them?
Vekal: *straightens* What are they?
Rita:  *Slight second glance having not seen Vekal up close before* Antibodies. Just finished sorting them into their vials.
Vekal: Well, I don't know who requested these, so we'll put them in the bio-storage unit. *heads over to a cabinet, beckoning Rita to follow*
Rita:  *Nods and follows* Nice to meet you by the way, you must be Commander Vekal?
Vekal: Yes. *opening the cupboard* I was at that staff meeting you found so boring. *holds her hand out to Rita*
Rita:  *Blushes under her fur* Ah, that... I was having a bad day, we all have um. *Grins awkwardly and shrugs before handing Vekal the container*
Vekal: *takes the box and puts it away, glancing at Rita's feet to check if she's wearing shoes*
Rita:  *Isn't wearing anything on her paws but has a white, tight leg warmer type sock just above her paws to keep her fur at bay* *Looks at her feet when Vekal does, wondering what she's looking at looks back up at Vekal with a slight questioning look*
Vekal: Wear shoes in the lab.
Rita:  *Ak, shoes.* I can assure you my paws are clean Commander, quite likely cleaner than most peoples shoes, but if you want me to go?
Vekal: I do. *closes the cupboard and gestures Rita towards the door* It really has nothing to do with how clean your paws are. This is a non-sterile environment; shoes protect you from dangerous chemicals, hot metal, viruses, and broken glass. I am going to insist you wear sturdy, closed-toed shoes in my lab, and frankly I'm surprised your superiors haven't made the same insistence.
Rita:  *Pulls a blank face for a few moment, thinks about answering back, bites her tounge and heads for the door* Well, it was nice meeting you I guess. *Makes sure her tail is out of the way before Vekal says that should be covered up too*
Vekal: *smiles without any warmth* Likewise, Miss Sesay. Have a nice day.
Rita:  *Frowns, giving Vekal the 'I don't like you very much' look and turns to leave down the corridor*
Vekal: *returns to her simulation, sending out a brief message to the rest of the department that Rita delivered the antibody samples, since she doesn't know who wanted them*

Lia:  *has finished her patrol and is in the lounge, getting food from the replicator*
Eoin:  *Is in his uniform and walks into the lounge for a beverage of some sort* *He sees Lia, debating if he should go talk to her because she could potentially be his subordinate* *But he goes over to the replicators to get Iced Tea*
Lia:  *retrieves her food and turns to see Eoin* *quickly takes note of his rank pips* Good afternoon, sir. *smile*
Eoin:  *Oh wonderful! She knows the word sir!* Hello, Lieutenant. How are you? *pleasant non-hostile look on his face* *takes his drink*
Lia:  I'm doing well, sir. *sets her food tray down on a table and salutes* Lieutenant junior grade Leliana Fehd, sir.
Eoin:  *is rather pleased at respect* *respect good* Commander Eoin MacLeod. *smiles* Mind if I join you?
Lia:  If you want to, commander.
Eoin:  *Sits down* *Yep I want to* So, how long have you been on the ship?
Lia:  *sits down* Almost a week. And you?
Eoin:  About the same time. So they picked you up at the station? *the station where the rest were picked up*
Lia:  I certainly hope so. Because, if not, I should be worried where I came from. *pleasant smile*
Eoin:  That would be alarming. Finding yourself on a different ship, and all.
Lia:  Well, I meant I should be worried from a Security perspective.
Eoin:  *Raises an eyebrow* About you not knowing where you are from?
Lia:  *frowns and looks down at her food* It was supposed to be a joke *awkward chuckle* We had a few spies lurking around Starbase One.
Eoin:  *That was a shitty Joke* Oh... sorry, I couldn't tell. But I can see why you would be worried about such a thing happening. *smiles because he needs to be friendly*
Lia:  Well...By "a few" I mean we were never really sure. Starbase One has some of the best security measures in the Federation, but you can't stop everything. *trails off and noms her food for a bit* Where have you previously served?
Eoin:  One space station near the Klingon-Federation Neutral Zone and two Star Ships.
Lia:  How were they?
Eoin:  We had a few incidents on the station, nothing major. But there was more action on the Star Ships. *Said neutrally because some action isn't really a good thing*
Lia:  Many terrorist threats on the starbase?
Eoin:  Klingon terrorists yes. But they were just threats.
Lia:  *nods and eats some more* Are you one of the other applicants for Chief of Security, sir?
Eoin:  *nods his head* That I am. I take it you have met Commander Essa?
Lia:  Yes. A few hours ago. She seems capable and friendly.
Eoin:  Well, there is a reason she was also chosen. But yes, she is rather friendly. *Is not quite sure he would call it "friendly"*
Lia:  *reserving her judgements on Eoin* What made you decide to try this ship, sir?
Eoin:  I saw the opening and decided to apply for the job. I was dealing with personal issues on Earth before being sent back out to space, and I thought a change in ships would be a good plan for me.
Lia:  *arches an eyebrow: "problems"?* Perhaps.
Eoin:  That and the missions this ship has gone through interest me... and seemed like it could use someone with my specialties.
Lia:  *an ego?* would you care to elaborate, sir?
Eoin:  The ship has been through multiple hostage situations. I specialize in retraction. All I am saying is that it could use a person with my skill set to make things... easier.
Lia:  *nods* That's logical.
Eoin:  What about you? Do you have a specialty?
Lia:  Sadly, my only specialties are my martial skills and the Fehd symbiont's three lifetimes of combat experience.
Eoin:  That is still impressive. And three lifetimes of combat experience could be very useful. Most officers only have part of a lifetime of experience. *smiles*
Lia:  *forced smile in return* Sometimes, one lifetime is more than enough.
Eoin:  *Doesn't really understand because he doesn't have a worm inside him* I suppose I wouldn't understand. *because he's human, so it's said trying to be sensitive*
Lia:  That's fine, sir. I wouldn't ask you to try. It's kindof like looking at four siblings, then trying to imagine all their individual life experiences as a single entity. *laughs lightly* It can hurt.
Eoin:  Just imagining my brother and sister like that seems hard to imagine. *smiles*
Lia:  *has finished her meal* Do they serve?
Eoin:  No my brother is a firefighter (the future equivalent) and my sister *does something*.
Lia: Ah. Are they proud of you or vice versa, sir?
Eoin:  Just as much as I am of them. *smiles warmly, indicating that they are really close and therefore proud of each other*
Lia: *d'awwwwww* *can't help but also smile* Sounds nice.
Eoin:  Have any family in Starfleet?
Lia: Nope. My little sister is currently in [Trill equivalent of Earth high school].
Eoin:  That young? *Something of his beeps* Sorry. That was an alarm, I still need to check out a few other shifts in Security. *pleasant smile* It was nice talking to you. *finishes his drink and stands up*
Lia: See you later, Commander.
Eoin:  *Stands up* Until then. *leaves*
Lia: *after Eoin leaves, puffs out a breath, cleans up her dishes, and heads to her quarters*

Rita:  *Heads towards the gym to punch up a punchbag, then to her quarters to find some footwear for the Lab and then back to work*
Lana: *in the gym, on a treadmill*
Rita:  *Enters the gym and heads toward the changing rooms, looking a little troubled*
Lana: *looks at Rita, registers her look, and plots to question her when she exits the changeroom*
Rita: *Comes out of the changing room after a little while, dressed in comfortable clothes she can move in, a simple vest and pulled up loose trousers. Heading straight for the punchbags, looking somewhat determined*
Lana: *is waiting for her when she emerges* Hey, Furface.
Rita:  *Okay, that's done it. Furface, it's like being back at home. Ignores her and goes straight toward the punchbag, swinging at it with a swooping punch*
Lana:  *trots after her* Hey, hey, whoa, what's up? I was just teasin'.
Rita:  *Throws another few punches before answering* Uh huh? Prrfect way to make a lady feel good when she's miffed. *sighs, relaxing*
Lana:  *shrugs* Works on my brothers.
Rita:  *Nods* Yeah, sorry I snapped. I came here to imagine someones face on a punchbag so it was bad timing *grins having calmed down now*
Lana:  *shrugs* Hey, don't let me stand in your way.
Rita:  Nah, don't worry. Snapping at a real person helps best, thank you. *Small smile* I'm Rita.
Lana:  Lana. Nice ta meet ya. *smiles*
Rita:  Same, same. Hey, I ran you off your treadmill. I'll go on the one next to you, I don't want to spoil your work out. *starts to walk toward the treadmill*
Lana:  *goes back to her treadmill* Nice of you. *grins*
Rita:  *Sets her speed to a steady jog* So, what is it you do Lana?
Lana:  Helm. I fly the ship, an' if there's any shuttles flying places, I'm the one that flies 'em.
Rita:  *Grins* Now that ain't a bad sounding job! Do you ever get a boring day?
Lana:  Sure. *huffs* Not easy payin' attention ta the same thing for eight hours on end.
Rita:  Ug, when you put it like that...
Lana:  How 'bout you, what is it you do?
Rita:  *Smiles* I'm a Nurse, got a baddy, I'll fix it... that sounded too corny *Snigger*
Lana:  A bit, yeah.
Rita:  *Turns the speed up, chaging her pace to a steady run causing her to control her breathing*
Lana:  So, uh, not meanin' to pry, but what got you so mad earlier?
Rita:  I was told by a superior officer to 'put my shoes on' in the Lab. I felt like I'd been a naughty little kid or something. But hey, I'm over it now. *Small smile*
Lana:  Oh, good.
Rita:  *Slows right down to a walk, catching her breath* I'll dig out my shoes later, they just aren't comfortable, I like to /feel/ the ground under my feet.
Lana:  Good thing to wear, though, since you're workin' with chemicals an' blood an' whatnot.
Rita:  Maybe, thing is, If I do an op or something, I'll cover up. Ah well. *Stops the treadmill and stands off it*
Lana:  Eh... *stands on the sides of her treadmill* Bet ya you're gonna get a message soon tellin' ya to wear 'em all the time in Sickbay, though.
Rita:  *Shrugs, looking a little sad* I just tried to start a conversation... oh well. Thanks for the chat, furface liked it. *Small teasing smile*
Lana:  *grins* Sure thing. See ya 'round!
Rita:  Yep *Waves, grabs her clothes then heads to her quarters*
Lana:  *sets her treadmill to a sprint, hopping on*

Naara:  *Sitting on one of the benches on the O-Deck, looking out of the window, today trying out the skirt+pantyhose combination*.
Terrence: *arrives on the o-deck with two travel mugs of...tea, duh* Hey Naara. ^_^ *comes over and plops down on the bench, setting the mugs between them*
Naara:  *Less awkward than yesterday* Hey. I think i'm starting to get the hang of this...
Terrence: *get the hang of? Change sensors, activate* Heyyy, you're wearing a skirt!
Naara:  *Stands, slight swish* Yeah... I thought I'd better master the dreaded skirt at some point...
Terrence: *nods* It looks nice. Any reason you decided to try it out?
Naara:  Well... *Uncertain* Don't women wear skirts sometimes?
Terrence: *blinks* Well...yes. I guess. Some men too.
Naara:  *Sits back down* Sorry, I don't really have much experience with being... *Shivers* Feminine.
Terrence: *laughs* You came to the right guy.
Naara:  ...Terrence, you've had a beard, I don't think you can be "feminine".
Terrence: *chuckles* It means a lot that you'd say that. *OMG I FORGOT TO MENTION he's just in a sweatervest today instead of an actual sweater*
Naara:  *Smiles* Doesn't anyone else say that?
Terrence: Not really. *gestures to the mugs* I brought spiced chai. It's fall-y. *inner :3 face, outwardly just looks self-satisfied*
Naara:  *Accepts* ...You know, I was on Earth for years, and I never understood why people called the Autumn period "fall"...
Terrence: The leaves fall off the trees. And it's the fall of the year; it springs up again in spring.
Naara:  ...*Sips tea* Bizzare...
Terrence: *shrugs* Not everything about humans makes sense.
Naara:  Heh, you try being Suliban, things make even less sense... *Sips tea*
Terrence: *takes a sip of his own* Nahh, I like the way I am, for the most part.
Naara:  I like you like that way too. Being Suliban is overrated.
Terrence: The grass is always greener someplace else. *shakes his head* You wanted to talk?
Naara:  Yeah... *Deep breath* Ok, firstly, I'm sorry. As my friend and my Counselor... I probably should have told you this sooner... *Looks into her tea* Not that I was really supposed to tell anyone...
Terrence: *shakes his head again* It's okay, it's said and done. Or...not said. But still done.
Naara:  *Straightens up* Ok... *Where to begin* Firstly, when I was born, my name wasn't Naara. It was Kylis.
Terrence: *nods once* Okay. *doesn't have a problem with name changes, really, he just changed his last name, after all*
Naara:  Same with my brother. His name was Kyson. Hence his nickname "Ky".
Terrence: *nods again, blinking to acknowledge that oh yeah, that does make sense*
Naara:  I was born on a cargo ship leaving the Tandar Sector. My parents were ostensibly members of the crew... At least, officially... Unofficially... *Closes eyes* They were members of the Suliban Cabal.
Terrence: The...the terrorist organization? *has probably read a novel or two featuring them <.<*
Naara:  *Nods* Yep, them. And, by right of being born, I was also a member.
Terrence: *frowns* So it's...a cultural designation? *yeah, terrorist didn't sound right, that must be what it is*
Naara:  Sort of. If you're born to Cabal members, you're in the Cabal. If you have children, they're in the Cabal. The only way to leave the Cabal is to die.
Terrence: *eyes her* You're not dead.
Naara:  Exactly.
Terrence: ...okay?
Naara:  Yeah. *Looks into her tea some more* Now, considering we had no fixed abode, and traveled from planet to planet on cargo ships as my parents and their "associates" carried out their "tasks", we were a pretty normal family. *Bitter tone* My... "Dad" built bombs, my mom delivered them, and I lay around crying because I was a baby... *Sips tea, trying to keep calm* ...Then my brother was born. And because of that, my mother died.
Terrence: *expression grows more and more concerned throughout this part, and once she gets to the dead mother part, reaches out to put his arm around her shoulders*
Naara:  *Deep breath, allows his arm to go around her shoulder* I wasn't really old enough to remember it properly. They said something about "complications", and "lack of proper equipment"... *Sags* All I remember, one moment she was there, then there was a lot of screaming, and a new, tiny little shrieking thing was there instead.
Terrence: *gives her a sympathetic squeeze but says nothing, letting her go on*
Naara:  And... Well, that's kind of where it all started... *Calm, don't get angry, don't get angry* You see, my "dad"... Was... *...Oh sod calm!* Frankly, he was a spineless overly-dependent alcohol-addicted sack of crap! *Venting* He lost his wife, and it practically broke everything that was left of him, so much so he'd just spend days weeping in his bunk, pouring something foul down his thoat and into his veins. Never mind he had two children who'd lost their mother! *Exhales, bitter laugh* He just... Gave up. I think the only time he ever showed any attention to me after that was when he wanted anything, or if one of his "friends" held a knife to my throat to ensure he completed his work on time. *Seething now* And as for my brother... *free fist clenches* All he ever said was "Get that /murderous monster/ away from me!"
* Leafquill*omfg what how can a father do that why do abusive negligent people get kids and I--* *grits his teeth and quivers once, then hops to his feet and starts pacing around, his eyes darkened with anger* Keep talking, keep talking. I just can't--sit still for this.
Naara:  *Cracks neck back so she can look at the ceiling for a moment, slightly teary eyed* ...To be honest, I thought that about Ky too. He was the person who took my mother away... And he got to live... *Sniffs, sits back properly, limp smile* ...Of course, I eventually found out what he really was; A small, helpless little child who needed someone to look after him. *Sighs* And that became me.
Terrence: *turns to face her, fists clenched* You're the best sister anyone could ask for. Okay? You're a brave, amazing big sister. *looks like he wants to say or do something else, but just grunts and goes back to pacing*
Naara: *A bit happy he said that, a bit... Afraid of how Terrence is acting* *C'mon, best get on with it* Ok... So yeah. I had to fend for us both, with no education, and certainly no help from anyone around me. Stealing food and clothes was practically the norm... *Swallows* So was being beaten when I was caught. And for crossing any of the other Cabal people, for not doing their little errands, hell, for breathing in the same room as them! And of course, Ky'd get into trouble two... And I took his punishments as well.
Terrence: *clenches his jaw and nods, but doesn't look at her and doesn't stop pacing, waits for the rest of the story*
Naara:  Not to say they couldn't be nice to me. There were no other kids around, not really... *Snorts* Asides from Taris, but the only thing I got from him was disappointment and a chance to practice my nose-breaking skills! *Weak grin, which dies* So, the only people I had to socialize with were with them... *Sighs* And they took advantage of that. They needed people to believe their deluded crap about how the Federation was evil, was interring innocent Suliban refugees, how humans had conspired to destroy our planet *Chuckles* Which was in your 1800's, so I'm amazed you managed to do that!... *Sigh* But I believed it. I believed and hated every single thing you stood for, I-*Wipes her nose* I was /proud/ that I was complicit in the death of hundreds of "pathetic human oppressors"...
Terrence: *grits out* You were a /kid/. You couldn't help what people did to you.
Naara:  *Sighs* Doesn't make me feel any better for it... Or what happened...
Terrence: *jams his hands in his pockets and balls them into fists* *swallows* How did you get out.
Naara:  I was 16. We'd stopped at a Federation Starbase, seemingly as normal travelers. "Dad" sent me out to *Quotation marks* "Purchase" some groceries... *Extremely guilty look* And when I came back, he was a half-burnt corpse, and Ky was hiding behind the couch screaming his lungs out. *Straightens up* Next thing I know, we're grabbed by some Federation Guards, shuffled from sickbays to interview rooms to who knows where... *Snorts* Seems that my father had one tiny little shred of decency in him. He'd been providing the Federation Authorities with information on the Cabal, in exchange for "better lives for his children"... *Angry laugh* Shame he couldn't show that kind of affection to us. Or that he couldn't show it in a way that didn't get him killed, my brother traumatized for life, and both of us in hiding so the Cabal couldn't come after us either!
Terrence: *turns back to Naara, his anger fading* He sacrificed himself for you?
Naara:  That's how "they" phrased it. Counselors, therapists, doctors... All the people assigned to watch over us. "He sacrificed himself so you could have a better life"... *Grits teeth* He called my brother a monster for the crime of being born, he left me to raise both myself and my brother, and he never, /ever/ showed even the slightest hint that he cared! And he had to cheat me out of the one thing I'd wanted to do since the day I was old enough to understand what kind of person he was...
Terrence: *mouth opens slightly and eyes narrow in uncomprehending astonishment* Naara, your father /sacrificed himself for you/. *takes his hands out of his pockets again* He gave his /life/ for you, and now you're a Starfleet officer and your brother is a schoolteacher. *tiny shake of his head, inhales sharply* Your father gave his /life/ for you and now your life is /so much better/.
Naara:  *Snaps* If he wanted to have made my life better, he should have given me the gun so that /I/ could have had the satisfaction of killing him myself! But no, he had to ensure that the /only/ person in my life who'd ever cared about me spent the next years of his life screaming each night in fear over what he saw.
Terrence: *snaps too, but his is a cold anger in his eyes and a clenching of his fists again* Stand up.
Naara:  *Actually afraid, and does*
Terrence: *points at the turbolift door* We're going to the gym.
Naara:  T-terrence?
Terrence: *jabs his finger more firmly at the door*
Continued here.
Vekal and Lana played by RiseofDarkFire
Terrence and Essa played by Leafquill
Zef played by LordXanathos
Naara and Tivir played by jasongallagher
Eoin played by Musicisaportal
Lia played by Doomsday-Prophyt
Shir played by NekoHellAngel
Rita played by Munchkinmay
All characters belong to their RPers.
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nopinky's avatar
#6. Oh. My. God. Why did you have to give me feels so late at night? ;__;