
Daily Logs 1-17-15

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I. Gary and Fallan discuss juice and ice cream

Fallan: *Finally, he can go to populated areas without massive headaches and voices, and he intends to relish that. He heads to the lounge and as he gets something to snack on and find someone to chat with.*
Gary: *comes bouncing into the lounge, graciously deigning to not rub his face all over everything for the comfort of his fellow crewmen, but can't keep himself from trailing his fingers all over everything instead. Microbes be damned, he can /feel/* *heads to the replicator and makes two glasses of something*
Fallan: *He watches Gary walk into the lounge and head to the replicators, and he looks almost annoyingly cheery. Fallan can't blame him.* You seem cheerful. It's nice that things are back to relative normality, isn't it?
Gary: *takes his two cups from the replicator and heads over to Fallan since that's clearly an invitation to join him* Yes~! I can't wait to burn my tongue on this much-too-hot tea, and then experience brainfreeze with this ice cream! *raises each cup in turn* It's very exciting!
Fallan: *He's not sure if that's sarcasm or not.* Ah, you had lost your ability to touch then? *Or was it taste. He thinks it's touch*
Gary: *sits at Fallan's table* /Yes/ and it was /miserable/. *so drama* I like knowing how things feel, you see.
Fallan: *He nods.* Yes, I understand. Do you mind if I ask what that's like, though, not being able to feel?
Gary: Well, it's like when your foot falls asleep and it's /so/ asleep that you're not sure that you're walking properly, before the pins and needles thing starts. That's sort of what it's like. Except all the time. And no pins and needles.
Fallan: And it's all over? *What a nightmare, actually. In some ways, he's lucky he gained a sense...* That sounds, well, wretched...
Gary: Indeed it is, my good sir. *cheerfully imbibes his scalding hot tea* I am *wow hot* quite glad to be rid of it.
Fallan: We're not quite out of the cavern yet, so to speak, but hopefully that's the last of the sensory chaos. *If it isn't, and he's forced to be an empath again, he'll have to punch something eventually. Hopefully a sandbag.* How have you been doing, besides that?
Gary: Well, I gained some juicy tidbits of information while temporarily telepathic, and spent time doing things that would have hurt otherwise. How about you?
Fallan: I spent most of my time working, to be quite honest. I haven't done much the past two weeks. What do you mean 'juicy tidbits of information' though? Do you mean gossip...?
Gary: No, I mean juicy. I learned someone's secret to the perfect orange juice. *^^*
Fallan: *Well, that's a weird way of using telepathy.* Well, that is a great accomplishment. I think... *He scratches his head.* I've never had orange juice. I can't tell.
Gary: It's delicious. But tea is my favorite. *spoons a giant spoonful of ice cream into his mouth* I'd share the secrets I learned with you, but I swore I'd never tell.
Fallan: I'll take your word for it, and I won't pry into your orange juice secrets. *He eyes the ice cream. Maybe he should've gotten some of that...* Quite frankly, the entire idea of fruit juice seems silly to me.
Gary: Not a fan of squeezing the insides of fruit into a glass and drinking them?
Fallan: Why not just eat the fruit? *He frowns. Juice must be a cultural thing, but that doesn't make it any less dumb.*
Gary: Because sometimes you don't want to eat something, you want a drink.
Fallan: *He just shakes his head. It's not worth getting irritated and upset because making a fruit into a juice is substantially more effort than just eating the fruit outright.* I suppose it's a cultural thing.
Gary: Probably so, old chap. Like tea. *raises his glass* Nobody would eat the leaves, but my /goodness/, let's soak the leaves in water and drink the juice. Ridiculous! *takes another scalding drink*
Fallan: *He's not sure if that's sarcasm or not. He thinks it is.* Well, tea is more understandable...plenty of alien cultures have some variation of tea.
Gary: Alien cultures have juice, too. *ice cream*
Fallan: *Dang, he's right.* Well, I concede, but I still stand by my opinion. *Dat ice cream doe.*
Gary: *shrugs* Whatever you want to think, my friend.
Fallan: *There's really no reason for Gary's comment to irritate him, but it does. He redirects his focus though.* That looks good though, the ice cream...
Gary: It /is/ good. You should get some.
Fallan: *He's tempted. So tempted.* Should I? What kind do you recommend..?
Gary: *have you never had ice cream* Do you like chocolate? Vanilla? Fruit of any flavor? Coffee? Whatever you want, it exists. Though the mint ice cream here is a bit off. Don't try the mint.
Fallan: *Too many choices, not enough time. Maybe he can combine it with one of his favorites....* ...bacon ice cream?
Gary: *wow, adventurous* Yes, I think that is a thing.
Fallan: *Now that he knows this is a confirmed ice cream flavor, he has to try it.* Well...if you'll excuse me for a quick moment, I think I'll go get some. Would you like to try a little too?
Gary: No thank you. I'm very happy with my own.
Fallan: Suit yourself. *He nods and goes to get himself bacon ice cream. He returns with a little cup of it and sits down. He tries a spoonful, expecting it to taste good, and then he immediately regrets all his life decisions that lead him to this point.* This is....interesting...
Gary: Is it? Is it all you hoped it would be and more?
Fallan: *He shoves the little cup of ice cream away.* It's disgusting, is what it is. *And here he was convinced that there was nothing that could make a good slice of meat taste bad.*
Gary: *grins* I'm sorry you don't appreciate the subtleties of bacon in ice cream.
Fallan: If you'd like it, help yourself to it. I'm not touching it again.
Gary: I'm quite happy with my vanilla. *spoons some into his mouth*
Fallan: *He should've had vanilla. That's probably the only time he'll say that to himself. 'I should've gone with vanilla'.* Well, at least one of us made a smart decision today.
Gary: The day's not over, Fallan-Ra-Gensolli. You can yet make good. *finishes the last of his ice cream in a giant spoonful*
Fallan: *The wise and venerable Gary has spoken.* You're right, but I won't be making good with ice cream. *He sighs. This is why he doesn't try new things.*
Gary: There are other opportunities. You can redeem yourself and your sad taste in ice cream.
Fallan: Then that's what I'll do today. Redeem my terrible taste in ice cream.
Gary: Good man. *finishes the last of his tea* Good luck in doing so.
Fallan: Oh, thank you. *He smiles dryly.* I'll endeavor not to make any more bad decisions regarding food today.
Gary: I have believe that you will succeed. *stands* I need to go feel more things now. Ta-ta~.
Fallan: Have a good day. *He nods and watches him leave.*
Gary: *recycles his cups and leaves, going off to -what he says is stick himself with pins but I hope that isn't the case- experience more touch sensation*
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